Binge eating / bulimia recovery

Hello! I am 25 yo female, ED recovering. Started this journey about 3 years recover from massive episodes of day and night binging on carbs mainly and purging after, due to calorie restriction. I am 5'3" tall and currently weight 116lb ( maintained up and down to about 5 lb for over than a year) I exercise lightly about 40-60 minutes 3-4 times per week , cardio only.Currently not moving too much.I am eating 1200-1300kcal- day and binging on about 3000kcal above that twice a week, a binge that I usually purge.
My goal now is to GET RID OF THE BINGE and maintain the weight that I have.(though I would like -6lb)......Can you give me an advice on how to do that without gaining? ...Main problem is my digestive sistem is kinda works I can t handle too much food all in one sitting without bloat/fever/nausea afterwards. Also I am a vegan, but do ocassionally eat fish.
My BMR : 1241, TDEE: 1427...but it varries on different was telling me to eat about 1600 to maintain. I am confused a little.Any advice would be helpful.
Also though I ve increased my cal intake from 700 to 1200-1300 the night binges still occur. I would like to know from any of you who struggled with this issue if raising them up more will still trigger my binge.


  • emodavis
    emodavis Posts: 44 Member
    The binge isn't necessarily related to the calories.

    1) you're not eating enough calories to maintain your weight.
    2) I would very highly recommend seeing a therapist who deals with eating disorders and a nutritionist who deals with eating disorders.
  • tpt1950
    tpt1950 Posts: 292 Member
  • redperphexion
    redperphexion Posts: 193 Member
    Hi Little Seal,

    I'm really glad you're trying to take good care of your body. It's brave to talk about your recovery, and we're here to cheer you on the whole way. Please see a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that can help you set some goals and make some plans (if you aren't already)!
    Also though I ve increased my cal intake from 700 to 1200-1300 the night binges still occur. I would like to know from any of you who struggled with this issue if raising them up more will still trigger my binge.

    This is a great start, but still is not a lot of fuel for a body that works out regularly, so I can understand that sometimes your body (not just your brain) sometimes screams/fusses for more. I have never deliberately purged - what do you think of running an experiment: up your cal intake by 50 or 100 cals a day, every 2-3 days, until you don't get those less controlled urges.