How did you find your motivation?

KayRisTee Posts: 31 Member
What was your "This is it, I need to lose weight" moment?

I've been ready over blogs and so many of them say you need to find your motivation to really start losing weight. Motivation has been the hardest part for me. I get it momentarily and then lose it a few days/weeks later. It's so frustrating that I can't keep myself going so I thought I'd ask people what got them to finally stop yo-yoing and actually lose weight.


  • williamwj2014
    williamwj2014 Posts: 750 Member
    edited July 2015
    Starts off as motivation but in reality, it's commitment and effort on your part that drives you. Seeing the changes in my mood, body, and fitness is what keeps me going. Don't get me wrong, there are days where I feel like *kitten* but I do it because the benefits are so worth it. You either want it or you don't. That "motivation" feeling sailed long ago for me and now It's just me putting in the effort.
  • heather0416
    heather0416 Posts: 118 Member
    Seeing pictures of myself and remembering how good I felt at that weight. It's keeps me motivated to exercise more and eat better. I have already noticed a change in my energy level since exercising more and cutting wayyy down on sweets.
  • Diana_GettingFit
    Diana_GettingFit Posts: 458 Member
    I'm type two diabetic and in December my A1C was 7.2 which was pretty high. The doctor wanted to put me on a second medication. I was already on Metformin. I decided no way I was taking a second drug. So I joined this site and around the same time started running. By June I'd lost 18 lbs and when I went back to the doctor my A1C was 5.8, the normal range. So the doctor said I don't need to be on Metformin any more. I went from the verge of having to take a 2nd medication to taking none! Now I intend to stay off them permanently. That's all the motivation I need!
  • Family1338
    Family1338 Posts: 1 Member
    That is sogreat to hear that you were able to get off your Diabetes medication..I think being health is great motivation..I'm working on staying healthy and making this my lifestyle..Staying active and watching what I eat.. :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    My blog about Motivation ...

    I didn't think about motivation when I started here, but then I started reading posts that this was something you needed. So I gave it some thought, and came up with that blog. :)
  • jjburger77
    jjburger77 Posts: 31 Member
    I've been at this for 2 1/2 years now. There are 2 defining moments in this journey that got me focused and determined to get healthy. This was your question I believe.

    1. After a crazy quarter at work, I developed vertigo for 7 weeks. I went to the doctor and saw my weight which scared me straight. I realized my body was crying out to for me to get healthy or I would end up in an early grave. One thing led to another, and I dropped 65 pounds in about 14 months.

    Enter plateau...or let's call it maintaining. :smile:

    2. Most recently, I had a really difficult June with several bad things happening. I realized that I wasn't as focused and I was before, and with only 30 more pounds to go, diverting my attention from the bad and put that energy into getting that final weight off got me focused again. I'm down 8 pounds since the start of July.

    Now with all of that said, your subject is about motivation. What motivated me to keep going was the comments and encouragement I heard from my friends and family. I knew I was fat, so did they. They wanted me to get healthy because they saw the pain in my eyes and heart. It was a matter of me coming to the conclusion that I needed to do something about it and focus on getting there.

    I am also motivated by the many things I can do now that I couldn't do before. For instance, I chose not to go zip lining with my siblings because there was a weight limit, and I was sure I would exceed it. I took my nephew to that zip lining course this past Christmas and had the time of my life. Those moments keep me going because if I ever go back to where I was, I won't be able to do all the fun things in life I've wanted to do when I was heavy.

    Someone else mentioned dedication. This is very true! When you start, you need to be dedicated and focused. Life has a way of throwing curveballs, and while it's easy to give into your temptations like a pint of ice cream or fried food (both are my vices), beating those temptations because you are determined to be that girl you have always wanted is an amazing feeling.