Need to keep motivated

hello all!
I'm Chelsea, I have always struggled with weight and my insecurity, and it has come time where I need to lose weight not just for my health but for myself so I can be proud of my body. I just have a problem of staying motivated. I'm new too all this so any positive reinforcement would be rad!


  • rodneytracy
    rodneytracy Posts: 182 Member
    I am a daily user. You can add me if you like
  • wam_bam
    wam_bam Posts: 37 Member
    You'll find plenty of inspiration here. There's lots of good people who are willing to yell at you (positive reinforcement) to keep you on track :)
  • robper13
    robper13 Posts: 219 Member
    You can add me if you like. You will meet your goals. :)