Help me!!! I'm desperate.

I'm getting married in 7 months and I need to lose like 70 pounds.. Is this possible?? My habits are terrible but I'm ready to change. I just need help. I need advice... Anythjng that's worked for you.


  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    edited July 2015
    I don't believe losing that amount of weight in that time frame would be healthy for you. You could put your health at risk.

    Why not shoot for 30 - 35 pounds weight loss by your wedding? That is much more realistic and safe. If it ends up being a little bit more, that is great. However, I don't think it wise to go to unhealthy extremes for wedding picture day.
  • Hopefuljourney
    Hopefuljourney Posts: 5 Member
    Any tips that have helped you?
  • Vanilla_Lattes
    Vanilla_Lattes Posts: 251 Member
    Weigh your food
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    Any tips that have helped you?
    Like brwelch said, weigh your food. Don't guess about how many calories you are eating; know how many calories you are eating. Junk in means junk out.

    Exercising would be a good thing to do in addition to watching your food intake.

    Start out by walking 10 - 20 mins. at a time. If you can't complete that, cut the time in half. Once you can walk for 30 mins straight, try picking up the pace by brisk walking for 10 mins and then walk for 2 mins etc. The goal is to slowly raise your brisk walk time or even slow jog time, while lowering your slow walk time. If you don't like the idea of brisk walking or slow jogging, bicycling or swimming would be good exercise.

    The most important advise of all, is to make sure your motive for wanting to lose weight is true. If this is just about picture day, you will probably find yourself right back where you started or more.

  • Dandelie
    Dandelie Posts: 153 Member
    Any tips that have helped you?
    Like brwelch said, weigh your food. Don't guess about how many calories you are eating; know how many calories you are eating. Junk in means junk out.

    Completely agree. I am new to this, but I was guessing the weight of my cereal and milk. When I weighed it, I was over in all my counts. That shows I could be over or under with ANY of my counts. The scales are relatively cheap, but help greatly.
  • nora_gettingfitnow
    nora_gettingfitnow Posts: 108 Member
    Start by limiting your calorie intake and use the MFP food diary to keep track.
    If there is something that you consume alot of, soda,diet soda, coffee, beer, chocolate etc..... cut back on it each week. The difference in that alone can be significant.
    Get active if you are not already, walking is a great way to start if you currently do not exercise. Ensure that you are doing at least 30mins a day or even every 2nd day to start of if needs be.
    Cardio exercises is a great way to get the metabolism going.
    Preplan daily meals if you have to, this will help to ensure that you don't skip meals and also make sure that you are not bingeing on crap food.
    Have snacks to hand like, almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts, apple, carrot sticks, celery sticks, mixed peppers etc... all these things are good for you. Or use whatever it is that works for you.
    Make sure you are drinking plenty of water also.
    Never skip breakfast either - start the day as you mean to go on.

    Im sure there are lots more tips and people will be only too happy to share, youve come to the right place for motivation and support. MFP rocks

    Good luck with it all :wink:
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    Any tips that have helped you?
    Like brwelch said, weigh your food. Don't guess about how many calories you are eating; know how many calories you are eating. Junk in means junk out.

    Completely agree. I am new to this, but I was guessing the weight of my cereal and milk. When I weighed it, I was over in all my counts. That shows I could be over or under with ANY of my counts. The scales are relatively cheap, but help greatly.
    MyFitnessPal is great at helping you keep track of what and how much you are eating. Like you said, get a scale, if you are eating something you don't know for sure the caloric makeup of etc. It comes in handy, if you are out with friends or family and are trying to keep up with where you are calorie wise for the day.
  • Bj0223
    Bj0223 Posts: 133 Member
    The next seven months are going to be packed full with wedding planning. A goal of 70 pounds may be a lot to take on. Set up your MFP goals and eat within your calories, weigh your food and eat back half your exercise calories and the weight will come off. Not overnight and maybe not 70 pounds but weight will come off.

  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    edited July 2015
    Tip: In the past I've lost 30 lbs out of the 50-60 I wanted to lose and still liked my body! Try to lose as much as you can safely and I guarantee even if you're not at your "goal weight" you'll feel 100% better on your special day than if you stayed the same :)
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    There is no magic, no mystery, you will lose weight proportionally to the extent that you use more calories than you eat. The more accurately you log your activity and food the better you will be able to predict your expected loss. Eat nutrient dense food, weigh it in grams using a digital scale, choose the most accurate entries. Eat no less than 1200 calories. If you can exercise it will help to insure you are losing more fat than muscle.
  • chrisfwood
    chrisfwood Posts: 37 Member
    brwelch1 wrote: »
    Weigh your food

    Yes, also plan all your meals for the week taking into account the exercise you can do, and keep in mind the other nutrients your body needs, especially if you plan to do a large deficit in kcals for a long period of time. 1lb a week is not that hard but 2lb for 28 week would be very hard as it is 1000 kcals under what you need a day. You might need between 2000 - 3000 kcal depending on your current weight to stay the same weight. So as you loose you need to readjust your goal from time to time as the lighter you are the less you need to keep the loss going.
  • mart001
    mart001 Posts: 194 Member
    I just looked and it took me 8 months to lose 70 pounds, but I was very good and started at 282 pounds. The biggest part of this is wanting to do it and being able to want to lose a pound more than wanting that piece of pizza or cake.
    Can it be safely done, maybe but doubtful. Everyone is different but I was almost pefect the whole time and did a lot of walking.Usually walked 10,000-20,000 steps a day and from Jan 4, 2013-today, I have walked about 4200 miles. If you are able to put that much dedication into it, you will do well, and why 70 pounds? Even if you lose 50 pounds, that will be a great accomplishment.
    Feel free to contact me anytime or add me as a friend. I currently am on day 929!!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I'm getting married in 7 months and I need to lose like 70 pounds.. Is this possible?? My habits are terrible but I'm ready to change. I just need help. I need advice... Anythjng that's worked for you.

    One of the things you need to realise is whats possible, whats unlikely and whats not going to happen.
    Healthy and sustainable weight loss tends to be 1-2lb a week it depends on how well you stick to your new lifestyle, what you do, what you eat and how much you have to lose. Rates of loss are more in the beginning than the end. Just do the best you can. Imo you could aim for a 40lb loss in that period, might be more and might be less. It depends on you. The more you aim for the harder its going to become. You might even get to 50, but more than that I think is unlikely. A 35-40lb loss is possible 30 is more doable.

    To lose weight you need to create a calorie deficit by eating less than you need, this is the basis of all weight loss. That means controlling what you eat by weighing and calorie counting plus it is complemented by exercise. Exercise will add to your fitness, cardio will also help burn calories , whilst resistance will help retain valuable muscle and increase the % of fat burned.

    You are going to have to educate yourself about weight loss.
    Learn how to do the basics consistently.
    Change your attitude to one that takes responsibility, commits and focuses on the task at hand.

    You need to do this properly and learn as quickly as possible if the deadline is as you say. Its common to see brides on here having issues with the dress not fitting, so at some stage you need to be realistic and workout whereabouts you are going to be. Im also not a believer in getting stressed out about it, which is where being realistic helps and focusing on soemthing you know can be done.

    Start with

    Good luck
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Don't try to starve it off! As you go along and drop some weight, you'll want to drop your calories to continue losing. If you are already super-low, you'll have nothing g to drop.

    Eat healthy foods. Lots of fruits and veggies. Most are low-cal and they have vitamins and minerals that you need. They also have fiber, which hangs out a long time in the stomach and helps you stay full. Whole grain breads. Low or no-fat dairy. Lean, white meats. You can do so much with those foods!!!

    I doubt you'll be able to lose 70 pounds that quickly. But you can lose a lot.

    Focus on what this wedding means to you, your betrothed and those who love you. Try not to focus so mucho on what you weigh.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    If you're really 70 lb over a healthy weight, you could probably lose maybe 40 in 7 months if you work very hard.
    But you're having a major life change, lots of stress, so why add more?

    It took me a bit over a year to lose 80 lb, and I started out 110 lb over the _top_ of a healthy weight range
    (based on BMI).
    I exercised nearly every day, cardio & weightlifting.
    I figured out what my BMR was & ate a couple hundred calories below that.
    Don't "eat back" exercise calories.

    Here's a newbie help post that has links to helpful info.
    Go read sexypants right now. It's the first link in that blog post.
    (And someone else has posted it a couple posts above mine.)
    Also read the post about setting realistic goals.
  • Hopefuljourney
    Hopefuljourney Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all so much for the advice. It has all been very helpful!!!!!!
  • Hopefuljourney
    Hopefuljourney Posts: 5 Member
    @MKEgal how did you figure out what your BMR was?
  • misclaire81
    misclaire81 Posts: 33 Member
    weighing your food is a great way of realising just how much we over estimate our portion sizes. You could try a high protein no carb diet - it'll throw you in to ketosis and you'll burn more quicker - not really sustainable long term, and you have to drink LOTS of water. it's hard on the kidneys.
  • epfahl
    epfahl Posts: 22 Member
    It comes down to this: You need to expel more calories than you are taking in. Studies show that exercise doesn't do jack *kitten* without a nutrition aspect. EAT WELL. And by well I mean, don't be stupid. Don't put crap into your body. No junk food. Absolutely NO fast food. Cut down meat to the size of your fist (that's more than a serving size) and eat meat ONLY ONCE per day. (Unless you wanna join the vegetarian train. In which case, I am SO HERE for you. #fellowVeghead)
    Eat Egg whites instead of full eggs. Cut down carbs by finding substitutes like Spaghetti Squash (message me for an amazing recipe.) Keep Breakfast under 300 Cal. Lunch around 400 cal, and dinner is whatever calorie amount you have left.
    Running isn't worth the work if you haven't been exercising regularly. Just start by walking. MFP just came out with a great article on their facebook page about running for weight loss. Go read it.
    Drink LOTS OF WATER. Cut out Pop/sodas altogether. They're the devil full of sugar and they want to watch you fail.
    Buy as much Organic and Non-GMO things as you can! Remember, Good in=good out!

    Lastly, be realistic, and don't stress yourself too much about losing 70 lbs. If you're fiance loves you truly, he wont care what size dress you wear. You will be beautiful to them no matter what.
    Realistically, losing 1.5 lbs /week is already difficult, but manageable if you really work for it. I'm more than willing to help with recipes, motivation, etc.
    :smile: Take a deep breath.