Picking yourself up after slipping

I fell asleep on the couch last night - woke up after my bedtime, and mindlessly started eating chips, chocolate, and anything else that I could. Emotional eating, tired eating, not sure. But I woke up feeling completely like a failure - I feel like I go through this once a week. Then of course it is a vicious circle of being sad for eating, eat to "calm" the emotions...ahh. Have about 15 to lose. I PLEASE need help with tips to pick yourself up after you have a fall.


  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    I picked myself back up when i gained 2 pounds i was like im not goin back.im just gonna take baby steps this time.start working on eating healthy and then slowly add in exercise
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    I had a horendous week last week, and when I say horendous I really mean it, I binged several times, it was terrible. But I logged everything and looking at that last week was enough to wake me up again. It was the first time I had slipped in over a year, so I forgave myself and started back to normal on Monday.
    We are all human and will have slips, it is what you do after the slip that counts.
  • VanessaG02
    VanessaG02 Posts: 50 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. We all slip up now and again. Like the person above said "baby steps" is the way to go. It definately worked for me. Whenever you slip up just make sure that you are on point the next day. This process is day by day! What helps me is I always have 100 calorie brownie bites, cookies, and chips in my house, so if I slip up, its only 100 or so calories (depending on how many bags I eat! LOL :ohwell: ) and I won't feel as guilty the next day. Plus its easy to count up all the calories so if I'm feeling energized and determined the next day, I know how many calories to burn in my exercise to get me back to where I need to be! Just remember "BABY STEPS"! You can do this!!!
  • I mindlessly eat like that, too. Just don't quit. I read a quote the other day that made so much sense to me. It said, "If you're tired of starting over, stop quitting." So you'll eventually get there. If you don't quit, what you're doing will eventually become a habit. :smile: Don't give up!!!
  • mommy8777
    mommy8777 Posts: 15
    Are you totally depriving yourself of any treats for the most part? Just curious because I see many people who cry the blues over eating an M&M- I used to be the same way. Just my opinion, let yourself snack every now and then, in moderation...maybe reward your self a snack for X amount of exercise? Dieting, exercising, and lifestyle changes do not have to make you depressed or miserable. Small steps toward your goal but remember to enjoy life in the mean time because we only get one to live :) On a side note, if midnight snacking is your vice, try keeping goodies out of the house (hard when you have a toddler like I do), that way you have to go out to get a snack instead of having them at your fingertips. Best of luck :)
  • KolaCabana
    KolaCabana Posts: 19
    Just think about how awful you feel after each setback - ask yourself, "why do I keep doing this?! It doesn't feel good!" I know in the moment it's hard to think of that. I get it. Setbacks are going to happen. The important thing is that you keep trying. You got this!
  • pippywillow
    pippywillow Posts: 253 Member
    You can have a fresh start any day, even any hour or any minute if you need to. Just log it and move on. It's all a learning process, and everyone slips once in a while. As soon as you realize you've slipped it's not too late to start over.

    If you let yourself have a little treat once a day you might not be as tempted to binge.
  • KolaCabana
    KolaCabana Posts: 19
    Are you totally depriving yourself of any treats for the most part? Just curious because I see many people who cry the blues over eating an M&M- I used to be the same way. Just my opinion, let yourself snack every now and then, in moderation...maybe reward your self a snack for X amount of exercise? Dieting, exercising, and lifestyle changes do not have to make you depressed or miserable. Small steps toward your goal but remember to enjoy life in the mean time because we only get one to live :) On a side note, if midnight snacking is your vice, try keeping goodies out of the house (hard when you have a toddler like I do), that way you have to go out to get a snack instead of having them at your fingertips. Best of luck :)

    I wholeheartedly agree with this - Have you ever read the blog Runs for Cookies? So good. Anyhow, she makes sure to plan something sweet every day. Her nighttime snack is a glass of wine and one Dove chocolate. I plan my snack before I plan anything else. It's important not to deprive yourself.
  • nuts4elephant
    nuts4elephant Posts: 21 Member
    it's not the end of the world if you have a day or two of unhealthy eating. the most important thing is to stay positive and not let it discourage you. it also helps to snack throughout the day so that you're not starving and eat the whole kitchen. tea and water are amazing at keeping you full...stay strong love! :)
  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    I was incredibly healthy and maintained a huge weightloss (125ish loss) for three years - just a chain of events got me off track (hence needing to loose 15 -20). I was allowing myself treat nights - generally on the weekend. Motivation for me and to get my family eating healthy. I just find it can be just so hard - a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. I always do it late at night so my kids don't see me reaching for the chips I guess - I am trying to be a good example.

    I keep telling myself that looking at clothes in my closet that are too tight right now and continualy wishing and wanting for those 15 lbs to go away - that should be enough motivation itself, right?
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    I enter my food in before I put it in my mouth...and if I look at the log after I enter it and I hate the way it looks, I don't eat it...my diary keeps me accountable. Even when I'm out, I add things on the mobile app before I eat them (if it's something new I don't know the facts for).
  • msaprilm1
    msaprilm1 Posts: 47
    I just ate 665 calories of cookies and they were delicious! I am sure this afternoon guilt will set in and I will be at the gym on my rest day BUT OH WELL! We all slip, best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • Its ok to slip a little bit but don't go crazy with the food, I have the same problem I turn to food when I am sad, stressed, bored, ECT. But I need to just treat myself with one thing and not go crazy, Your not alone. :)
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Just make good decisions the next day and the day after and the day after. There is no magic trick that's going to help you stop spontaneously eating crap. You just have to stop doing it enough days in a row until it no longer occurs to you to use food to try to solve a problem.

    I also find that if you learn how to incorporate the foods you enjoy into your diet, you'll be a lot less likely to binge on them.
  • I allow myself cheat days so I do not binge eat and they are part of my schedule.

    Example: Fathers day (actually the day after) was a cheat day. I had a 16 oz steak (medium)sautee onions, grill roast zuchini, summer yellow squash and roasted potatoes. For desert I allowed myself a couple of beers.

    DO NOT beat yourself up for a little slip. In the big world of things, these are very minor.

    Take care!
  • twinmoon
    twinmoon Posts: 108 Member
    I enter my food in before I put it in my mouth...and if I look at the log after I enter it and I hate the way it looks, I don't eat it...my diary keeps me accountable. Even when I'm out, I add things on the mobile app before I eat them (if it's something new I don't know the facts for).

    Agreed - well-said.
  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    For the first time ever this morning I wrote down all of the food I ate last night. I am using Myfitnesspalf for support (not really using the online logging) - I am old school and like writing it down. Writing what I ate and reading it back really made me say WTF was I thinking. I also tried to write down what I was feeling when I ate. Honeslty - I don't know what the "walk of shame" feels like (been with my AWESOME husband forever) - but I felt like I did the food walk of shame. I exercise 5 x per week, I food log - it is just getting the ugly nightime food monster in check.
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    I do the same thing. I try not to feel bad about it, though. I log everything. EVERYTHING. And I work to make it up throughout the week. I ain't perfect, but I also ain't going back to my previous behavior. As long as this is the exception and not the rule, I feel pretty darn good about myself over all. This diet (really this LIFE) is a work in progress. Not doing everything right all the time is no excuse to not do anything right ever.
  • cindy_L
    cindy_L Posts: 1
    I agree that treating yourself is worth it. I too have a problem with eating when bored, stressed, or tired.
    I made these little signs that I posted in my pantry and fridge that show pics of an ideal body type for me and a
    body shape that I currently am at with the caption, "what do you want to look like??"
    I am very visual so it works for me.
    Getting to your goal weight takes work and I have learned that you can never quit. I was close to my goal last summer and have since gained it all back. I am back on the road to losing and remember how great I felt when I was 20 lbs lighter.
    (and I am sure so will you, good luck, hope this helped) : D
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    I struggle with binge eating as well (just look at my diary for the last couple of weekends). My process is something like this..

    I log everything.
    I try to reflect a little on why I binged.
    I don't beat myself up or feel guilty any longer about over indulging.
    I resolve to not go back to fat.
    I get back with the "program" the next day.

    The most practical thing for me is to not have the trigger foods in the house. Unfortunately, I live with other humans who bring the crack in. Still a work in progress for me. A lot of solid advice given by others, but you really have to figure it our for yourself.