Medications that cause weight gain?



  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    karenkasbi wrote: »
    I've taken anti depressant back in 2011, I took it for one year and it made me so restless that I wanted to eat all the time, I gained 50 pounds in 1 year. These anti psychotic and anti depressant medications are the worst. Too many side effects. I stopped the med and got in shape but it ruined my life for some time. They make you agitated and restless.

    Be careful painting with such a broad brush. For me and many others, these meds are in fact the best thing that ever happened. I'm alive today because I took these medications and others. There are dozens on the market as well, if you can't tolerate one or don't like the effects, by all means try something else. Your post feels dangerously close to demonizing ALL psychiatric medications for all reasons (and maybe that's my own bias coloring things) - all that does is further the sigma and potentially keep someone from taking the thing that may turn their life around.
  • valleydoula
    valleydoula Posts: 6 Member
    I am on two medications that cause weight gain. One is due to appetite stimulation and the other is simply because it actually changes the metabolism. When I began that one it came on fast. No sneaking up on me. I began with my friend and PT on a full body workout that intervals strength and cardiovascular. It was tough. I watch and track meals and pay attention to having my heavier carbs in the morning plus lots of lean protein. Now I am down 25 inches. . I don't weigh myself. I'm down 3 sizes and that's only since April. So regardless of side effects, I am proof that with a healthy lifestyle you can buck the odds.
    Oh and I just turned 40. So there's another strike... plus 3 surgeries a year ago.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Note that these adverse events are reported in clinical observation and pulled from patient diaries, so there is very often no direct causation. I work in pharmacovigilance and due to regulations forced to report some pretty ridiculous stuff which ends up on product labeling.

    For example after taking a local anesthetic one year prior - the patient reported sunburn, so we were forced to review and submit "May cause sunburn". Your government at work.