30 year old new mommy looking for support and motivation!

I wasn't always heavy. When I was in high school I hardly ate so that I could look good and fit in with the crowd. I was very thin and weighed only 120 pounds or so. I gained about 40 pounds in college and would go through summers where I would lose a ton of weight by eating very little and running.

I went to Japan to teach English and lost weight and but still hovered around 150 and when I left I was around 160. I met my husband and when I got married I was 176 pounds 5 years ago. Now I'm 195 after having a baby and I want to lose this weight. I'm sick of being fat. I want to weigh less than my husband. I want to be around for my beautiful son. Please help and motivate me! Thanks so much!


  • jamiebowling89
    jamiebowling89 Posts: 6 Member
    My baby is 3 months now. I am hovering around 200lbs. My husband has recently started losing weight, and now weighs less than me. We've always been close, but he was always above me by about 10lbs, so its upsetting to weigh more. I'm the woman- I'm supposed to weigh less! Before I got pregnant this last time, I was around 170, so getting back there is my goal (and then I'll set a new goal). So, it seems you and I are in nearly the same position.
    One thing I have been focusing on (other than looking good again) is being able to run and play with my babies. I have a 4 yr old who's always tugging at me to run and play, and I just can't keep up. :/ It sucks to hear her begging "Keep playing! Let's do that again!" And I'm just too winded and need to sit down. It blows.