Struggling to eat to max cals

I am currently at target but I still like many others I am sure struggle to eat to max calories everyday not that the fact of doing it would be a problems as I know foods I could do it with but I think I have a bit of a mental barrier to it all. Is anyone currently having this problem at all and dealing with the anxiety of now having to add more??


  • soulesyz28
    soulesyz28 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. Yes I feel the same way most days im under and under by 200-400 calories. My calories are aet lower as im around 168lbs dont look like I carry alot of fat but according to bmi calculators im 24%. Im def new to calorie eating. I use to barely eat breakfast or lunch. Mainly coffee and cigarettes. Youve done an amazing job man from your profile pic. Congrats.
  • Dandelie
    Dandelie Posts: 153 Member
    edited July 2015
    Listen to your body!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    your maintenance is a range anyway....i really wouldn't worry about it too much unless you're dropping weight if you don't want which case, there really shouldn't be any're obviously under-feeding.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Nah. Did you up your calories by 100 or so per week first? When you do it like that you ease into it anyway. I find myself still thinking maintenance is not enough!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I recently had teeth extracted on both sides of my mouth and it will be a while before I can get implants put in. It's really hard to chew. :o I've lost about 3lb that I don't need to have lost. :| So I even have more calories to eat because I'm working to gain that weight back. Fortunately, I'm

    Also, if I get busy, I forget to eat lunch, which is not good for my mood.

    I aim at eating a good sized breakfast and getting enough protein in so I can continue working out without being too over hungry and undernourished.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'll be honest. I am not that anxious and certainly not about food. But I rarely eat to my calories in the summer because I'm just not that hungry. In the winter I usually eat my calories and most of my exercise calories.

    I know I've been like that in the years I've logged here, but I bet I was before because I would always lose 5 pounds in the summer and gain it back in the fall.

    If you're not hungry and not losing, don't worry about it. It may be you're undercounting.
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    it was certainly my experience during the first months of maintenance. but it'll go away with time, when you realize that you are not going to gain weight when you stick to the daily allowance.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I recently moved into maintenance and I also am finding that increasing my calories is difficult. I'm sure that's due to habit, so I fully expect that as time goes by, I'll see stuff that I want to eat and think, "I can eat that, because it fits in my calories." Some of those things I've been leaving out of the shopping cart because I knew I wouldn't be able to fit them under my goal will probably make their way back. The calories will increase and the challenge will be not allowing them to increase by too much.
  • dc1arkson
    dc1arkson Posts: 142 Member
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    it was certainly my experience during the first months of maintenance. but it'll go away with time, when you realize that you are not going to gain weight when you stick to the daily allowance.

    I am really hoping so thank you!
  • dc1arkson
    dc1arkson Posts: 142 Member
    I recently moved into maintenance and I also am finding that increasing my calories is difficult. I'm sure that's due to habit, so I fully expect that as time goes by, I'll see stuff that I want to eat and think, "I can eat that, because it fits in my calories." Some of those things I've been leaving out of the shopping cart because I knew I wouldn't be able to fit them under my goal will probably make their way back. The calories will increase and the challenge will be not allowing them to increase by too much.

    It's definitely a mental barrier more then anything and I am sure it will come to fix itself over time