My journey

Hi all,
My name is Cortney and I have been fighting with my weight for 3 years now. I will start a program with great enthusiasm, but after a week or so I lose interest and start saying "I will do it later". It has come to the point that every time I tell my fiance I am going to start losing weight she says okay and goes about her day. This time I am not giving up, but I am going to need help, I do not have the motivation or self-confidence like I used to and I am tired of feeling bad about myself. I am going to try as hard as I can, but I am scared I will fall back into the same habits as before.

Xo Cortney


  • mrsmorganfoster
    mrsmorganfoster Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Courtney,
    I have done the same thing, I start a program and do great for about a week but I hit a brick wall when it comes to not having a burger when going out with friends or stealing an onion ring off my husbands plate because my salad looks so blah etc.
    Maybe we can help each other stay on track!
  • cortneyfoote1
    cortneyfoote1 Posts: 5 Member
    That would be great! It helps to have someone who has been there!!
  • mrsmorganfoster
    mrsmorganfoster Posts: 6 Member
    It does, because it is so much nicer to talk with people who understand your goals!
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    welcome to both of you.
    Please start by reading the first post in this thread:
  • mikeymike040315
    mikeymike040315 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Courtney, you got this dear. You can kick *kitten* don't let your *kitten* kick you lol. Make sense? I was trying to straight up mr. Miagi that lol.

    Hi all,
    My name is Cortney and I have been fighting with my weight for 3 years now. I will start a program with great enthusiasm, but after a week or so I lose interest and start saying "I will do it later". It has come to the point that every time I tell my fiance I am going to start losing weight she says okay and goes about her day. This time I am not giving up, but I am going to need help, I do not have the motivation or self-confidence like I used to and I am tired of feeling bad about myself. I am going to try as hard as I can, but I am scared I will fall back into the same habits as before.

    Xo Cortney