Supportive friends needed!

I am in desperate need of friends who encourage me to pick up a salad or my running shoes rather than a hamburger or a beer!
The last few years I have been struggling with my weight and I have started countless fitness programs only to quit weeks later due to lack of motivation and support.
It would be so amazing to build an online support system to help me achieve my goals!
I look forward to hearin' from y'all <3


  • miznash32
    miznash32 Posts: 6 Member
    Add me miznash32
  • soi_saucer
    soi_saucer Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm also looking for someone to keep me accountable and I'm right there with you when it comes to starting and stopping exercise programs. I started. t25 (again) this week and this time I WILL finish!!
  • mrsmorganfoster
    mrsmorganfoster Posts: 6 Member
    So nice to meet people that are so supportive and willing to be a support system!
  • tractorchck
    tractorchck Posts: 36 Member
    Just sent you a request. I'm back after a year. I'm an emotional eater so had to get some things straight so I could do good again
  • sarcathryn
    sarcathryn Posts: 21 Member
    Welcome!! I added you :)
  • AlinaMek
    AlinaMek Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everybody, I started my diet 2 weeks ago and would love to connect with some of you.
  • mitchelsimps
    mitchelsimps Posts: 151 Member
    Me also, just starting a strict 18 week plan :#
  • Chlohanlon95
    Chlohanlon95 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 19, started my diet today :s - add me :)
  • GemeliaFP
    GemeliaFP Posts: 91 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • brandi712
    brandi712 Posts: 407 Member
    If anyone wants to add me, feel free. Just a quick tip, don't think of it as a diet (it's too daunting), think of it as your own personal healthy lifestyle change.
  • chell413
    chell413 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm looking for some support too. Feel free to add me