
This so much harder than the first time I lost wait, I lost a 150 first go around, I was younger. Skip forward I gained 80 pounds back part of that's to longer hours at work, snacking, arthritis in knees and back, thyroid removal so I have very little energy. Trying to get focus, so for I haven't went over my calories today and I started back walking 30 min, One flight of stairs, 4 cups water.


  • Keklepke
    Keklepke Posts: 34 Member
    Good for you!! Little by little you'll get there!!
  • DomieCarrasco
    DomieCarrasco Posts: 53 Member
    I had my thyroid removed too! Then I lost my insurance and went 2 years w/o medicine. I know the feeling. I've been on my meds for 3 months now. And I too gained 80lbs in the 2 years I was off it. I'm here for you! I will add you and motivate you! We can do this!
  • A_New_Creation
    A_New_Creation Posts: 180 Member
    Congratulations on the steps you're making. I look forward to seeing you continue in your success!
  • alaa_mohd
    alaa_mohd Posts: 4 Member
    Great job... when starting all over again especially after the problems you faced it has to be gradual. I also have lost around 19 kilos 2 years ago and now i am struggling to lose the last 10. Not to mention that i can lightly exercise due to a back problem :( ... with determination, IT IS POSSIBLE !
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    ktaylor05 wrote: »
    This so much harder than the first time I lost weight: longer hours at work, snacking, arthritis in knees and back, thyroid removal so I have very little energy.

    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). Thyroid meds (in my case, Synthroid & Cytomel) reduce the fatigue so I can be more active. But they had no impact on my weight. I still kept gaining & gaining until I learned to log everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly. Logging works.

    I lost the weight by following the advice in the Sexypants post: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1