Diabetes will not kill me !!!

I have found out I have Type 2 diabetes 11/2014 I finally decided this year to work out and eat healthy. Its been a hard road staying on track but if I do this I can add some years to my life. I have two beautiful children 7 and 9 to live for and I am 37 years old 285lbs. My goal is too loose 100lbs to start and after that who knows. I have to work out my doctor said 5days a week 45mins each day. I am struggling to stay consistent but I am not giving up. Any encouragement exercise tips and just good people out there to motivate me please leave a message - Thanks Loves :)


  • ducky653
    ducky653 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm so proud to hear you're taking your health into your own hands!! You got this, bonita! I will be glad to add you so we can keep each other motivated!
  • SexxyMel
    SexxyMel Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you I truly appreciate the support , I know we all need it !!
  • tottie3912
    tottie3912 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi lovelies! I am pre-diabetic and have modified my diet to fight it. Still new to me (knowledge of it). I would be happy to give support!
  • iwork925
    iwork925 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I am a diabetic as well. I need to lose at least 60lbs so add me as well!
  • SexxyMel
    SexxyMel Posts: 12 Member
    We can do this and its good to know we are not alone
  • momar23
    momar23 Posts: 292 Member
    I would suggest that it's easier to stick with a good diet and exercise if you start by making small changes and adding on. Trying a massive overhaul makes it a lot harder to stick with. Good luck!
  • kashe69
    kashe69 Posts: 21 Member
    I was diagnosed last July and it hit me hard at first. I was determined to stay off meds so I changed my diet, started working out and lost over 80 pounds. My A1c went down to 5.0 and I was also able to stop my high blood pressure medicine. Today I'm still med free. It's a commitment but I'm determined. I'd say I'm in the best shape of my life at 45. Don't give up you're worth it!
  • SexxyMel
    SexxyMel Posts: 12 Member
    That is great u did awesome that's been my goal and I did avoid a 2nd by getting my a1c level down but I am trying to get the consistency like u and drop major lbs to change my life for good. So proud of you , thanks for sharing- that's motivation!!!
  • seepersaud
    seepersaud Posts: 5,759 Member
    I wish you well. It will be a tough road at times, but MFP can get you there. I had struggled with my weight forever and now I'm the same size I was in high school, and my glucose and a1c levels are pretty good. Take it a day at a time, and it will feel less overwhelming. O-H...
  • SexxyMel
    SexxyMel Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you Seepersaud !!! I needed to read that this morning. I am staying positive and focused. one day at a time is helping me not not feel overwhelmed. Thanks for your comments