Tips on social eating?



  • ebbingfat
    ebbingfat Posts: 117 Member
    I would recommend just having what is being served (if you want some), but just limit yourself to a reasonable amount. And if you know ahead of time that you're going to be eating at a social gathering, maybe try to eat smaller meals earlier in the day so that you have more calories left for later.

    You could always bring something with you, too. If your friends are ordering pizza for dinner, you could always toss together a salad or something and bring it along to serve as a side. Fruit and veggie trays are my go-to for this sort of thing.
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    I am probably going against most people here and say, eating before hand is a bad idea. Don't go starving, but if you eat first, and are still tempted and give in, then you've eaten THAT many MORE calories. Go with a plan. Work 1 piece of pizza into your plan, take a 2 liter of diet soda, and a bag of baby carrots to share. Put a piece of pizza on your plate, and fill the rest with baby carrots (and a little ranch, cause it's yummy) then eat the baby carrots slowly, leaving the pizza for last. Then when the eating is dying down, eat your pizza and you'll be done the same time everyone else is, and no one will offer you more! If anyone asks, you're "saving the best for last", cause you are right!