So I let myself go, and this is what happens?

I started trying to lose weight since May 4th, and after almost 4 weeks of exercising (5 to 6 times a week, mostly cardio) and *trying* to watch my diet, I only lost about 3 pounds. And if I overeat (for example, over the memorial day weekend), I would gain back at least 1.5 pounds which took the following 4 or 5 days to shed. Because I felt that I wasn’t losing much, I came to this forum for help and I was told that I consumed too much sodium and that could be the reason for my stalling on the weight loss process. So on around 6/5, I started cooking more at home and also cut back on diet coke (Which I was/am addicted to), that lasted for one week and I saw no difference in my weight. Finally, I just gave up on Thursday, I stopped going to the gym, I ate whatever I wanted, cupcakes, pizza, chocolate, junk…and ate out every day for the whole weekend, to the point where i just decided to not even log my food...

And today, when I stepped on the scale, I was prepared to see my weight go back up to where I started, if not more. But to my surprise, I actually lost 2 pounds since last week. And it’s the lightest I have been since I began. So, did I lose weight because I stopped exercising for 5 days and I’m losing muscle already?

I just don’t get this anymore..


  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    It's most likely water. When you stop working out, your muscles don't need to hold onto the water anymore for repair.
  • mustkeepgoing888
    mustkeepgoing888 Posts: 23 Member
    so once i start working out again, i'm going to gain weight most likely?
  • LucarinoN
    LucarinoN Posts: 4 Member
    It could also be that you restarted your metabolism.. My trainer alwasy recommends one cheat day because all that crappy food helps to restart your metabolism and then go back to reting healthy and working out :) You got this girl !!:happy:
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    Gain 'water' weight most likely.

    When you start working out, your muscles will hold onto water as part of the repair process (and there's the whole glycogen storage thing too).....keep working out regularly and your body will stabilize, with a 'weight' gain after increasing intensity.

    And yes, after a high carb weekend, or high sodium....especially if you had been watching sodium intake, you can 'pack on' some weight in the form of water retention. I have the same thing happen.....after a high sodium day....I don't step on the scale for a day or two and make sure I increase my potassium intake and it's gone.

    You need to eat an excess of 3500 calories to gain a pound.
  • mkshortall
    mkshortall Posts: 38 Member
    This does sound like the water weight might have flushed out. One thing to think about doing as well is look at your measurements versus just the scale. There have been times when I lost many inches over a couple months and nothing on the scale because I was building muscle. At the end of the day the scale doesnt matter as much as how you look and feel! Feel free to give me an add...
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    so once i start working out again, i'm going to gain weight most likely?

    There's a likely chance that you will gain (water) anytime you start a new routine. Is it really all about the number on the scale? The benefits you will see in a few weeks will far out weigh the few pounds you may see in the beginning. Your call. Weight loss is an emotional thing. It has it's ups and downs. It will leave you asking tons of questions about your body, but in the end all it comes down to is a calorie deficit. Keep at it. You'll be glad you did.