sure does work wonders!

Saw this on yahoo and almost cried.

He loves her because of who she is and all of that love is making her healthier.

Love it!!!!


  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    What a sweet couple! I am heavier than my husband after having our 2 children. People have said the meanest things to me too. The saddest part is that I am still a healthy weight, but since my husband is naturally very thin with very little body fat, I look much bigger in comparison. I've had people say to my face that I'm a lazy wife who works her husband into the ground while I sit around eating all day! Since my 6 year old is thin like his father, they will also ask him if "mommy eats all the food."

    We should totally stay away from such mean people, I know, but it's much harder when it's FAMILY saying these things. I had my daughter 6 months ago and that's not a good enough excuse to have an extra few pounds on me, apparently.

    I wish I could one day reach the point in my life where I can no longer care what others are saying or thinking. My husband loves me and has for the past 13 years. I have days where I don't let these things get to me, but there are days when I feel awful and don't want to go out because of what others will think.