
Hello everyone.. I am 25 years old.. I am trying to lose 30 pounds or more... I was doing really well for a while going to the gym had a trainer was losing weight slowly and then life got in my way .. I gained all the weight and some back... :( now I need to lose the weight its causing lots of problems for my health and emotional health looking for some support here..

Thanks :)


  • jothekid
    jothekid Posts: 230 Member
    Hey! same situation here. I'm 28...I did P90X 2 years ago and lost 40 pounds. Injured my back after and just got into the lazy routine. But now I'm doing my best to get back on track! Let's do this together, we can do it :)
  • CassieM686
    CassieM686 Posts: 4 Member
    :) Thanks for the friend request :) nice to have someone going on the same journey to chat with :) I struggle with night eating.. I snack lots when my son Is asleep..does not help when everyone around me eats whatever they want and never gains anything... lol....

    And indeed we can do this :) thanks!