Trying this out / binge eater / likes failure

SnackySnackPants Posts: 35 Member
edited July 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi. I'm trying this out.

I'm a binge eater. Therapy for several years. I was doing ok. I feel like I got all of the coping skills I can, I've just been lazy and weak with actually implementing them. It has gotten worse. I've put on 30 more pounds in the last year. I binge, and then I don't eat out of guilt, which makes me binge even more.

I'm going to try really hard to eat regularly throughout the day. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. Then I won't get the starving binge. I'm using MFP to make sure my "regular" eating isn't still over eating. I'm starting with -0.5lbs a week.

I'm hoping, but I don't know if I will succeed. I thrive on failure. Unfortunately, the headshrinkers haven't taught me how to get over that successfully.

I'm hoping that some online friends/ accountability might help. Perhaps the shame with others knowing what I do will help.

I do like to exercise, it makes me feel happy. Though, often, I have to really force myself to do it because a day of terrible eating makes me want to curl up in a ball and sleep forever.

Sorry, I don't really know what to write.


  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    I have struggled with binge eating, and it's really hard to get out of the habit. For me, when I binged, that's what it was - a habit. I don't know if it's the same for you. But if you are able to gain control and not binge eat for a few weeks, it's so much easier to stay on track. What's working for me is sticking to a routine, planning out snacks, and saving plenty of calories for the end of the day because I like to eat the most at night.
  • SnackySnackPants
    SnackySnackPants Posts: 35 Member
    I relate a lot to that! I really could go most of the day without eating, but I think boredom and thinking about the day at night makes me want to eat. I also agree, it feels like it has become a habit. Sometimes I think to myself, well it has been 3 days, it is Wednesday, time to eat until I hurt. I'd like to think if I could make it a week, past the dreaded Wednesday/Thursday, things would be so much easier. Like the cycle would break.

    I think the planning out of meals and snacks would help. I am going to try that. I went grocery shopping tonight to help with that. I have steel cut oats in the crock pot for the next few breakfasts, salads for lunch, almonds, fruits, veggies and hummus for snacks. Dinner is always a toss up, since I'm exhausted by then, and the live-in bf is quite picky. Though, he doesn't care if I just make dinner for myself, he is fine with going out alone or finding something to eat (but I feel bad when I exclude him).

    Here goes nothing, I suppose. Thanks for your reply.
  • ryannreneexo
    ryannreneexo Posts: 15 Member
    I suffered from binge eating and purging for about ten years. Now recovered and happy and working towards a healthier me, I can definitely relate. One thing that helped me a lot was planning and meal prepping as well as staying busy! I found that boredom, home alone, and TV were huge triggers for me. It's not the easiest road and there will be bumps, but you can do it! Always here to chat and listen :)