Why hello there, I'm Erica!

So you saw my wanted ad for fitness friends? Well I need all the support I can get!

My SCALE goal, is to lose 100lbs. I know you're probably like "dream big girl." And I'm like "it's my reality."

My NON SCALE goal, to fit into all of the size 10 jeans I own. It was my perfect weight, I was happy and healthy and felt sexy as *kitten*!

Pardon my language, I'm a former sailor with a mouth on her(:

So a bit about me, I got out of the Navy on 4/20, I know international smoke pot day! But I don't do drugs! I currently work as an in home caregiver and I love it!(: it has changed me for the better! I'm currently looking into going to school for my RN then hopefully my NP. I would also like to become a personal trainer/dietician....

But first I'd like to take a before picture showing where I'm starting at and then once I reach my goal (BECAUSE I WILL) take an after picture, to show my future clients that I DID IT! Hard work and determination PAY OFF!

I've done this journey once before, and I have gained all the weight and then some back, and this time it's time to get rid of this *kitten* for good. For my health, for my body image and for my mental health!

So please join me on a spectacular journey to a new me...a new US.
I have a tumblr, you can find me at:

I'm using all the resources I can, and I'm devoted to being the best me I can be!(:


  • xLola
    xLola Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Erica, by the sounds of it you have the right mind set. I'm sure you will reach your goal. This is my second attempt to reach my goals. I was doing really well until 2 years of hell kicked in. (2 deaths of close relatives, my dad had a stroke, the government building I worked in announced closure and the icing is I dislocated my knee) but I'm in this 110%, and am excited about losing 75-100lbs.

    I had to laugh at your comment about your mouth from.being a former sailor.... I joke that I was raised by sailors and that's where I get my mouth.

    Before I got my mouth I owned a preschool.... And now I'm.a Social Worker.

  • spikrgirl14
    spikrgirl14 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Erica! i too am on a journey to loose 100 lbs. I got very sick a couple years ago and one of the symptoms of my diagnosis is exercise intolerance. Thankfully I am able to overcome that at least a bit. But the kicker is that one of the medicines they put me on caused me to gain about 50lbs in a few months time. But I am determined to not only get back to my old self, but to get down to my dream size/weight. Most of all I just want to change my life and be healthy. I currently work as a receptionist at a doctors office, and I am going to school to be a nutritionist.

    We got this!
  • elyshamariust
    elyshamariust Posts: 1 Member
    Awesome! This is really inspiring, and I'm looking to lose 50 lbs! My story is pretty simple.. I had a bad injury from netball a few years back and suffered for fallen arches which makes running for a long time or any high impact exercise pretty painful after a while. Diet wise, I prefer to live in moderation otherwise i will relapse.. which i've learnt the hard way. I'd like to get into a sports club in my next year of University and another goal of mine is to learn how to swim properly again. I've started eating healthily over a year ago but with very little progress, so I'm just re-learning the correct portion sizes for me and have recently incorporated more exercise into my life. I don't use my tumblr much, but I do have a Instagram and use Facebook regularly, if anyone is up for a motivation buddy or finding a small Facebook group we can use through this journey :) Good luck everyone!

    instagram : elyshamariust
    facebook Elysha C.M. Tonge