Complete Beck Diet for Life Diet Buddy Wanted

ggbun Posts: 90 Member
I'm beginning the Complete Beck Diet for Life after having great success last year losing weight with the Beck Diet Solution (but not so successful that I actually kept the weight off). I'm looking for a reliable buddy also following the program that is willing to exchange emails with me daily. I know that is a daunting commitment, so I propose that we would commit to doing this until August 31 and then recommit or go our separate ways at that time. I hate the idea that someone's diet might be sabotaged by a partner who vanishes.

Side note, am also looking for a good app for completing the daily success skills set sheet instead of doing it on paper. I have the ebook, so writing the full list down every day seems daunting.

I think I've used the word daunting here twice. Really I am excited about getting this off the ground and changing my life. I am open to anyone, but am a 45 year old career woman in Toronto and am looking to lose 30-40lbs overall but of course, 5 lbs at a time. Cheers!


  • christabelle66
    christabelle66 Posts: 83 Member
    I am a 49 year old working mom from the Philadelphia area who would like to lose an additional 60 pounds.
    I could commit to being your Beck buddy until August 31st and probably beyond. I read The Beck Diet Solution, the Diet Trap Solution and the Complete Beck Diet for Life earlier this spring and started getting serious about using the Beck Approach in the middle of May. I have lost 17 pounds but have had an insane two weeks preparing for a conference for 230+ attendees that included numerous 10 and 12 hour work days and I fell into some old thinking (and eating) patterns when tired, stressed and faced with temptations. Now that my conference is over, I would like to really get myself back on track. I am a big fan of creating Excel spreadsheets or Word Templates on Google docs, which I think could work for an easy to use success skills set sheet.
  • ggbun
    ggbun Posts: 90 Member
    I've found my buddy in Christabelle66. Good luck to everyone else looking.