
July 24, 2015 3:27PM in General Diet and Weight Loss Help
Why hello there, I'm Erica!

So you saw my wanted ad for fitness friends? Well I need all the support I can get!

My SCALE goal, is to lose 100lbs. I know you're probably like "dream big girl." And I'm like "it's my reality."

My NON SCALE goal, to fit into all of the size 10 jeans I own. It was my perfect weight, I was happy and healthy and felt sexy as *****!

Pardon my language, I'm a former sailor with a mouth on her(:

So a bit about me, I got out of the Navy on 4/20, I know international smoke pot day! But I don't do drugs! I currently work as an in home caregiver and I love it!(: it has changed me for the better! I'm currently looking into going to school for my RN then hopefully my NP. I would also like to become a personal trainer/dietician....

But first I'd like to take a before picture showing where I'm starting at and then once I reach my goal (BECAUSE I WILL) take an after picture, to show my future clients that I DID IT! Hard work and determination PAY OFF!

I've done this journey once before, and I have gained all the weight and then some back, and this time it's time to get rid of this ***** for good. For my health, for my body image and for my mental health!

So please join me on a spectacular journey to a new me...a new US.
I have a tumblr, you can find me at:

I'm using all the resources I can, and I'm devoted to being the best me I can be!(:


  • sammygold2015
    sammygold2015 Posts: 630 Member
    I am right there with you, i want to ultimately lose 100 lbs, set my first goal to 60, so the number isnt so daunting. I'll send you a friend request!
  • jenspears31
    jenspears31 Posts: 51 Member
    Hey add me..I'm on my way to losing over 100 lbs as well...I've lost over 80 so far..about 40 more for me to go..we can all help each other!!