Welcome Back...

Hi guys,

After nearly a year off, I am back.

I have recently got engaged and I now need to get into a wedding dress for next year. I don't know why I stopped, I think I just got a bit lazy, but I really need to lose the weight I did before. When I did MFP a year ago I found it really useful so I am hoping that this will work as well again.

Any words or stories of encouragement would be great :wink:


  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome back and congrats on the engagement.
  • jlestes80
    jlestes80 Posts: 10
    Welcome back!!!

    I took a little break recently, and can completely agree with you that I got lazy too!!! But if we really want to do it, we just need to focus and take the time for ourselves!

    I'm glad you chose to come back!!!

    And...Congratulations on your engagement...that's wonderful news and GREAT motivation!!!

    Good Luck!