What makes you, you?

WyshIKnew Posts: 75 Member
So, what makes you the unique person you are?

I have quite bad photoptarmosis, even hanging washing up for my wife can leave me sneezing uncontrollably.

I was born with Pyloric Stenosis, a condition I passed down to my first born son.

I am almost ambidextrous, about the only thing I can't do is write right handed. I can swap hands for most tasks, even in the middle of a task. My left hand is my 'delicate' hand my right is my 'power' hand.

I have blue eyes.

I was quite ugly and awkward as a young man, this made getting a date very difficult.

I love to cook.

I love to travel.

I enjoy angling.

I enjoy building plastic model kits.

I enjoy archaeology.

I have a technical nature and I hold down a fairly technical job.

I do not like 'raw' cheese, but I love a cheese toastie, cheese and biscuits or cheese and onion sangas.

There is probably lots more but I can't remember them at the mo.


  • imsnowwhite
    imsnowwhite Posts: 894 Member
    I'm quirky, I have a pet snail and my favorite fruit is pineapple. I'm practically spongebob.
  • tretoptreece
    tretoptreece Posts: 425 Member
    I'm quirky, I have a pet snail and my favorite fruit is pineapple. I'm practically spongebob.

    Omg lol I'm Patrick! Let's be bff's lol!
  • imsnowwhite
    imsnowwhite Posts: 894 Member
    I'm quirky, I have a pet snail and my favorite fruit is pineapple. I'm practically spongebob.

    Omg lol I'm Patrick! Let's be bff's lol!

    Omg yaaay! Haha :D
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm a 50 year old Ginger who stands under 5 feet tall
    I was definitely born in the wrong era because I am into everything Vintage
    I am Funny but some might say Goofy! :tongue:
    I could build a house all by myself if I needed to including all the Plumbing & Electrical work
    I'm a Damn good Cook
    I Designed and sewed all my Children's Halloween Costumes
    I Love to Sing
    I was a Flamenco Dancer Until I got married
    I am very Liberal and stand up for Equality
    I am a Christian that hates "Religion"
    I sometimes have a Potty Mouth :open_mouth:
    I could live without electricity & running water but not without my Red Lipstick
    I'm filled with Compassion &
    You'll never meet anyone with more Love in their Heart! <3

  • WyshIKnew
    WyshIKnew Posts: 75 Member
    I'm a 50 year old Ginger who stands under 5 feet tall
    I was definitely born in the wrong era because I am into everything Vintage
    I am Funny but some might day Goofy! :tongue:
    I could build a house all by myself if I needed to including all the Plumbing & Electrical work
    I'm a Damn good Cook
    I Designed and sewed all my Children's Halloween Costumes
    I Love to Sing
    I was a Flamenco Dancer Until I got married
    I am very Liberal and stand up for Equality
    I am a Christian that hates "Religion"
    I sometimes have a Potty Mouth :open_mouth:
    I could live without electricity & running water but not without my Red Lipstick
    I'm filled with Compassion &
    You'll never meet anyone with more Love in their Heart! <3

    +1 like!
  • drxl34
    drxl34 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm an energetic 23 year old who works with a bunch of lazy old men all day..

    I have the best job in the world as an electrical engineer and get to travel to amazing places for work. In the past 6 months I have been on 9 work assignments - taking me to places I never thought I'd get the chance to go including Australia and New Zealand. Traveling is something I can't give up at this point - I've been labeled a "travel *kitten*" at work because I annoyingly try to get on every trip possible.

    I'm super irresponsible when it comes to my health sometimes. I've had Lyme disease twice in the last 10 years because I'm too stubborn to stay out of the woods in Maryland in June. The second time triggered Celiac disease for me so I've been having to deal with snarky comments from everyone I know about being gluten free for the last year or so.

    I'm not good with moderation. If I start drinking, I don't stop for the rest of the night. If I buy a bicycle, I put 500 miles on it in less than 2 months.

    I'm irrationally terrified of how my body looks to other people. I'm worried I'll get too "muscley" for a woman, yet I hate when I can't see my abs.

    I love animals and currently own a french bulldog, 2 bearded dragons, 1 leopard gecko, and a kingsnake. If I didn't travel so much I'd at least double my pet collection.

    I don't mind being alone and generally prefer to do things on my own. My dream vacation includes going to the airport and deciding where to fly to spontaneously, experiencing a new culture without a plan or care.

  • Lifeonmars2015
    Lifeonmars2015 Posts: 667 Member
    • I don't listen to those who tell me l can't.
    • Was told l wouldn't survive when l was born - still here
    • Was told l would never walk - walking and even served in the British Army
    • I'm very self critical
  • WyshIKnew
    WyshIKnew Posts: 75 Member
    drxl34 wrote: »
    I'm an energetic 23 year old who works with a bunch of lazy old men all day..

    I have the best job in the world as an electrical engineer and get to travel to amazing places for work. In the past 6 months I have been on 9 work assignments - taking me to places I never thought I'd get the chance to go including Australia and New Zealand. Traveling is something I can't give up at this point - I've been labeled a "travel *kitten*" at work because I annoyingly try to get on every trip possible.

    I'm super irresponsible when it comes to my health sometimes. I've had Lyme disease twice in the last 10 years because I'm too stubborn to stay out of the woods in Maryland in June. The second time triggered Celiac disease for me so I've been having to deal with snarky comments from everyone I know about being gluten free for the last year or so.

    I'm not good with moderation. If I start drinking, I don't stop for the rest of the night. If I buy a bicycle, I put 500 miles on it in less than 2 months.

    I'm irrationally terrified of how my body looks to other people. I'm worried I'll get too "muscley" for a woman, yet I hate when I can't see my abs.

    I love animals and currently own a french bulldog, 2 bearded dragons, 1 leopard gecko, and a kingsnake. If I didn't travel so much I'd at least double my pet collection.

    I don't mind being alone and generally prefer to do things on my own. My dream vacation includes going to the airport and deciding where to fly to spontaneously, experiencing a new culture without a plan or care.

    Well I'm an oldie, but a goldie!

    Electronics Engineer, so similar.

    I do some travel for work, but mostly for training purposes. Most recently Vienna and Brussels. Peeps say, "aren't you lucky, going to Vienna." Ummm right, I go to Vienna, spend all day in a classroom, whoopy di do!

    I'm the same with drink. I can go weeks, months without a drink then as soon as I get started I can't seem to stop!

    We love pets, but for the same reason as you we only have 4 at the moment, two ferrets, Goldie and Ginger and two cats, Minxy and Shadow.

    Favourite holiday is getting off the ferry in St Malo and then driving 'thataway' staying in random hotels and seeing where fate takes us.
  • asianfashionista86
    asianfashionista86 Posts: 5,039 Member
    Boldness , playfulness and my love for fashion
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    I'm quirky
    I can always make people laugh
    I have figure skated my entire life and plan to do so until at least 80
    While I'm beautiful and graceful on the ice, I'm super clumsy
    I can cook and bake and sculpt fondant which means my son gets rather elaborate birth days cakes
    I'm the handy one around the house and before calling someone to fix things I try to myself.
    Because of my skating training I can pick up and dance choreography really easily
    I hate live music because I am musical and can always hear the bad notes.
    While I can appear cold and heartless, if you're my friend I'll look after you
  • dawud2112
    dawud2112 Posts: 30 Member
    What makes me... me. Mmmm the beard!