Breakfast ideas??



  • tephanies1234
    tephanies1234 Posts: 299 Member
    How about cottage cheese with something like: fruit, maple syrup, jam, nut butter, granola, etc. Cottage cheese is not high in carbs, more in protein. So the carbs would come from mainly your toppings. You can also whip it in a food processor so it's more creamy if you don't like the texture. I always buy the highest fat content though.
  • Fat2Fit68
    Fat2Fit68 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm very cautious with my carb intake in the morning as well. I'm not much of a meat eater so bacon doesn't work for me. I created my own kind of breakfast bowl that I find myself missing if I go more than a few days without eating it. Eggs used to disgust me until I started using a little egg white mixed with other food to hide the flavor.

    1 zucchini finely diced
    handful of spinach
    1 teaspoon of finely diced onion
    chopped jalapeño (to your taste)

    I sautee that in a little olive oil, when it's almost done, I add in an egg white to get some protein. It's warm, easy, filling, low in calories AND you're getting in more veggies. (I sometimes make a couple of tacos out of it by warming up two CORN tortillas and adding salsa)

    You can chop your veggies the night before to save time in the morning. Just another idea :)
  • schandler1011
    schandler1011 Posts: 83 Member
    I have a protein shake because I don't have time to prepare breakfast. It is around 200 calories.
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    I have a protein shake because I don't have time to prepare breakfast. It is around 200 calories.
    Does that keep you full enough until lunch?
  • yasminannabelle1994
    yasminannabelle1994 Posts: 14 Member
    I know you said no oats but I literally live by soaked oats (also called overnight oats) Just get 1 cup of oats and mix with almond milk so that it goes all clumpy but still looks runny. add in some honey, mashed up banana, peanut butter...anything you want literally! mix it all together, put in a bowl (I put mine in a pretty jar and leave in the fridge overnight. when you eat it its really thick and filling. By far my favourite breakfast!!! :D
  • mmmichaelidis
    mmmichaelidis Posts: 17 Member
    rbee2015 wrote: »
    How about starting the day with veggies and proteins , steak, broccoli and Ezekiel sprouted toast. You won't be hungry for some hours afterwards.

    I love that idea!!!! I always have a hard time as to what will I eat I am tired of eggs, toast. I wil, make myself a nice small piece of steak for tomorrow! Thanks so much for a great idea!
  • mmmichaelidis
    mmmichaelidis Posts: 17 Member
    I have a protein shake because I don't have time to prepare breakfast. It is around 200 calories.

    What is the name of your shake I want to try a shake also for other days. Thanks
  • kirstens1984
    kirstens1984 Posts: 96 Member
    My favourite breakfasts are the following:

    Banana pancakes:
    1 banana (mashed)
    1 heaped tsp coconut flour
    1 tsp ground cinnamon
    3 egg whites
    Whisk together to make pancake batter - fry in 1/2 tsp coconut oil and voila! I top with a tbsp of almond butter, some chopped hazelnuts and a drizzle of honey - yum! But you could experiment with toppings.

    Soaked oats:
    75g oats
    150ml almond milk (or other milk if preferred)
    1/2 tsp vanilla extract
    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    Soak overnight, then add any of the following (or your own ideas)
    - 25g pumpkin seeds, 1/2 a grated apple and a dollop of natural yogurt
    - 50-100g berries, shredded coconut and yogurt
    - blanched almonds, desiccated coconut and fruit
    - nut butter and chopped banana

    I know that bananas are high in sugar, but things like blueberries are pretty low in sugar in comparison. Feel free to experiment.

    If you want to stay completely low carb, I second what others have said in that just eat whatever you would have at other times of the day, no rules as to what you can / can't eat just because it's breakfast :) I just make these regularly because they are yum and breakfast is my favourite meal of the day!

    Hope that helps!
  • salenaii
    salenaii Posts: 31 Member