Bannana, Strawberry and Forest fruit smoothie

Refreshing drink, if your not a lover of banana like me use a smaller banana or less of the banana as it is an overpowering taste but is still delicious.

Strawberries - 0.8 cup or a handful.
Medium banana - sliced.
Frozen summer fruits - about 75g.
Muller light fat free vanilla yoghurt - 175g tub.
200ml of milk, I use 1% but any will do.

Takes about 10 minutes.

Cut strawberries in half then chuck in a blender.
Then slice banana and chuck that in (depending on how much your using, it is a strong taste).
Weigh frozen forest fruits the chuck in blender.
Pour in yoghurt, make sure tub is empty.
Blitz up, may have to fiddle around at the bottom but its easy after that.
Pour in milk.
Blitz again for a couple of seconds to a minute.

Put in fridge to cool for a bit.

Then serve and enjoy! :)

Hope you like it as much as I did.