
The day of rest is here! For me it has typically meant taking a break from the weekly agenda. My Sundays usually consist of church, a little this and that then lounge. The lounging has been in the past the time that I do not make the best decisions regarding food. I tend to mindless snack and watch way to much tv or read.
This morning the Holy Spirit has encouraged me to take on a new kind of REST for my Sundays...HIS REST!
I feel empowered and excited that today I will still get my rest day from "the busy life", I will enjoy my family and my life without blowing my calorie intake out of the water. I believe today is a REST day that when I lay my head down at the finish of it I will have a smile on my face for remembering who and WHOSE I am.

Hope everyone has a fantastic REST day:)



  • brookesemlek15
    brookesemlek15 Posts: 8 Member
    I believe when God rested on the Sabbath day. He looked over His "week" and called it good.
    Today I will look back over my journey thus far and call it good:)
    True REST
    Thank you God
  • AlphaHowls
    AlphaHowls Posts: 1,979 Member
    Rest day here as well. Hope yours is groovy!