My Goals - Starting Out - what are your Goals? With photos

I used MFP a few years ago with great success. I went from 18 stone (252lbs) down to 14.5 stone (203lbs) in around six months. GREAT! However I didn't maintain and I'm now at 17st 2lb (240lbs). :s I refuse to let myself get back to 18st!!!!!!! :) So I'm setting some goals. Here are mine, I'd like to know some of yours if you'd share :)

Main Goal: Reach and maintain 14 stone (196lbs)
Second Goal: 30 Mins of vigourous exercise per day
Third goal: Improve the type of food I eat from healthier foods.

These goals are all linked I guess to some degree however I never ate healthier when I lost 3 and a half stone before and trying new foods is always a challenge for me.
To help with the 30 mins I'm using Apple Watchs activity app.
This is my current chart:


The green ring is the one I need to work on the most which is the 30 mins of exercise.

Also to help me see what Im working on these are my current before photos:



  • Dominions40K
    Dominions40K Posts: 6 Member
    My last years progress in the wrong direction.

  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    How tall are you?

    I have a similar weight loss/gain history. In my 30s I hit 230, lost 30 to get down to 200. In my 40s I hit 252, then lost 45. By 2013 I had crept back up to 245. For the first time I focused mainly on a calorie deficit, dropped to 193, and have maintained for 19 months. Best of luck!
  • Dominions40K
    Dominions40K Posts: 6 Member
    5ft 10

    Wow very similar, I think with 19 months of maintence you've you've changed lifestyle for good. Do you have to keep track still using MFP or do you just now know what to eat?

    MFP works out:

    Maintain current weight = 2540 calories
    To loose 0.5 lb / week = 2290 calories
    To loose 1.0 lb / week = 2040 calories

    I will set it for 0.5 lb / week although I would usually loose more.
    So that's 250 lb deficit.

    For the last three years I had been cycling to and from work (6 miles every weekday)
    now that's not possible I need to be far more aware of how little exercise I'm getting.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited July 2015
    I think your food intake and weighing and logging to a calorie defecit should be your main goal and primary focus right now

    Generally move more

    And for exercise ...a progressive resistance programme around 3 times a week and at least 2 x 30 mins cardio work ..incorporating at least one rest day

    For me ...getting to the point where I can have my current av was my goal ...(56lbs...4 stone) and now it's stopping dropping in maintenance, getting over tendonitis, benching bodyweight and mastering sets of pull-ups

    If I can do it, you sure can

    Good luck
  • Dominions40K
    Dominions40K Posts: 6 Member
    One step at a time, like you say first thing to do is keep weighing and logging to a calorie deficit.
    Weighing is easy as I step on the scales and it just posts to MFP.
    To keep logging is the thing I now find hardest, I just seem to get a little bored with logging the same old thing.
    Hence why I'm trying to keep my main goal in mind - that's the reason I need to log every day.
    At this point I'm not overly concern with getting toned by lifting etc that might be something for the future as part of a maintence program like you are aiming for :) For now just being a healthier weight will be what I keep in mind.
    I'm sure as I get nearer that goal I will start looking at further things to aim for.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Progressive resistance is about retaining as much LBM as possible as you lose weight

    Every lb is made up of water, fat and would benefit from limiting how much LBM you lose in defecit because building muscle back at a later stage is a b!tch
  • Dominions40K
    Dominions40K Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the tip :)
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    Do you have to keep track still using MFP or do you just now know what to eat?

    Still use MFP, except when I travel. It would be to easy to slip back to old habits.