New to the app/new to eating right

I was just released from the hospital after a 3 week stay, I had 4 back surgeries in that time. I've always been an active person but now, for the time being I'm reduced to walking... And not so well. Lost weight in the hospital, want to stay around this weight I am now but figured this is the best time to get healthy and fit. Basically just need help with what and what not to eat. Breakfast /lunch/dinner/snacks, all of it. Thx


  • worldofalice
    worldofalice Posts: 148 Member
    I hope you feel better, welcome back to the real world!
    I'm a veggie, but here are my favourite meals (maintaining on 2000ish a day at a low weight so adjust as you like and add/substitute meat if you need to)

    Breakfast: - 60g oats cooked in water, with cinnamon, agave syrup & berries;
    - Protein bar (Quest, PHD etc) & a soy yoghurt & fruit
    - Plain alpro soy yoghurt, banana, berries and a few nuts.
    - Banana pancakes: 1 mashed banana, one beaten egg, whisk together and fry in 1kcal spray/coconut oil, topped with agave/soy yoghurt/fruit

    Lunch: - Grilled veg with chickpeas or blackbeans (fried in 1kcal spray with onion, tomato puree, and various herbs& spices), topped with a poached egg if I'm at home. Add chicken/tofu/avocado if you like.
    - Vegetable omelette (2eggs) with kale/spinach, followed by soy yoghurt or fruit
    -2 poached eggs or 1/2 an avocado on slice of wholegrain/rye bread
    - Wholegrain wrap with cottage cheese/houmous and salad/grilled veg
    - Any homemade or fresh soup with rye/wholegrain bread

    Dinner: - Any of the lunch options
    - Stir fry (there are thousands of varieties out there - heavy on the veg, skip the noodles and replace with quorn/tofu or chicken)
    - Spaghetti squash (like spaghetti, but better) with a non-creamy sauce like tomato, or homemade pesto
    - A serving of any protein - so a chicken fillet, veggie bake, whatever - with one serving of carbs (couscous, quinoa, sweet potato, brown rice) the fill the rest of your plate up with veg.

    For more inventive ideas, try DeliciouslyElla's blog - also has loads of ideas for healthy treats (the healthy fudge and brownies and both incredible).