Accountability buddy

Hi all, looking to lose 18lbs and want someone to post weigh in numbers to, I know how to lose I just need a deadline to stick to!


  • KatyAnn09
    KatyAnn09 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi :) I'm looking to lose about the same amount between 18-20 lbs. Also need a deadline to stick to and accountability.
  • ashhouston
    ashhouston Posts: 2 Member
    Perfect!! I generally weigh in on Friday mornings, does that work for you? FYI just a bit about me, I'm a 30 year old mother of one working a desk job, married 4 years and want to get back to my wedding weight.
  • KatyAnn09
    KatyAnn09 Posts: 12 Member
    Brilliant Friday mornings sound good to me. I'm also a mum. Have two children one of which is 11 months old so want to get down to pre pregnancy weight again.
  • singingmommy25
    singingmommy25 Posts: 41 Member
    I'd like to lose 20, I weigh in on Fridays. If be happy to give and receive a little accountability! I'm a 38 year old vegan mom of 3. I love my curves but I fear the future as 40 looms on the horizon and the scale continues to creep northward...