Building muscle, losing fat. I need your insight.

Hello guys. I'm female, 21, 5'3 and currently 124.8 pounds. My goal weight is to get down to about 115 pounds. So far I've lost about 16 pounds and have been weighing my food, logging, and going to the gym 5-6 days a week most weeks, for 65 days.

I feel like my weight loss is really slowing down. I'd like to get to my goal weight in 6 weeks (I leave for Punta Cana then) but I'm starting to get discouraged. I'm not sure what I should do to change it up and lose at a safe and steady rate. I seem to have no problem gaining muscle, but the fat I carry seems to have a hard time leaving my body.

An average workout for me is the treadmill incline 3, steady speed walk at 4 mph and then running until I can't a few times during that 40-60 minutes. I also do the stair master about 10-15 minutes. I do some squats, some bicep curls. Nothing crazy because I'm still nervous about getting in the weight room. (The big guys make me self conscious and I'm always worried about form). My food diary is open. Most days I'm under my calorie goal. In fact I'm having a hard time getting to it whilst trying to meet my macros. Should I be worried about calories or macros at this point?

Basically I want to know what you guys think I should do to get some more fat loss. I realize the number on the scale may not be accurate because I'm putting on some muscle.

Also, I am pear shaped. I tend to store most of my fat in my thighs and lower stomach.