150lbs to lose, everything to gain.

Hello everyone. My name is Jessica. I am a (almost) 27 year old mother of 4 young boys. I am morbidly obese. I have always been a big girl...but I used to be fit. I played soccer for 13 years so a lot of my mass was muscle and toned. After high school, pounds crept up on me. I met my husband in 2008 and had started shedding some of my weight, when we found out we were expecting our first son. 5 years, and 3 pregnancies later- I am 350lbs, unable to keep up, and drastically running out of clothing options. I'll be honest, typing out my actual weight on here is even a stretch for me...as well as very disheartening. On top of everything, I also suffer from depression, severe toxic self image, and anxiety issues. I am on medication currently and I'm hoping it helps with my drive and ambition to do something.
I don't have many friends, and very few who can help me in this journey. But I have to do this. I have to stick with it. And hopefully along the way I can find people who inspire me. Maybe I can do the same for someone else.
Thanks for reading.
Love always,


  • Parkercomom
    Parkercomom Posts: 67 Member
    Feel free to add me. I started in March with a little over 100 pounds to lose. I have lost 41 so far. : )