is my diet ok?

Just wanting to share with you my diet plan, and what do you guys think? I believe in calories in calories out so I don't like to restrict myself to much and be to strict, it's a lifestyle not a diet, also I follow 'IIFYM' (If it fits your macro's) so basically if i hit my calorie/carb/protein/fats I'm happy.

Breakfast: 70g oats, 200ml semi skim milk, 100ml almond milk, 50g blueberries, 1 medium egg.
Snack: wheatabix (2 biscuits) with 1tbsp peanut butter + (flushed down with a protein shake)
Lunch: 40g brown rice (dried weight) 1 serving mixed veg, 100g turkey breast, 40g cucmber.
Snack: homemade chocolate yogurt (100g fat free Greek yogurt, 50g cottage cheese, 1tbsp cocoa, 4 rice cakes)
Dinner: 90g Brown rice, 100g chicken breast, 100g broccoli, 100g spinach

Macro's: 1812 calories, 238carbs, 40fats, 125protein (44g fiber)

lost a pound this week on this diet. 0.5-6kg's.


  • stepyogameup
    I have to lower my carbs to lose weight myself (but I'm a female and eat around 1400-1600 cals a day)... I'd say your diet is pretty healthy but don't be scared of fat! Have full-fat milk, eat more eggs... Maybe occasionally replace the biscuits with a banana? (I don't know what wheatabix are, but sliced bananas and a nut butter is great). Oh and I've read a lot about anti-nutrients in brown rice, google that if you're interested. White rice is an easier-digested source of simple carbs.

    Otherwise, if you can lose weight while eating carbs, this looks alright :)