I don't lose weight when I exercise.

OK - this may sound weird but here's what's going on. I started to watch what I ate during April. I exercised for two weeks and didn't lose any weigh. So I stopped exercising for the rest of April and actually lost some weigh. April's SW was 191 - by the end of April I was 186. Then, the first week of May I didn't lose a single pound trying to exercise again. so I didn't exercise for the rest of the month and got down to 178. Now the same story's repeating itself. By the end of May I started insanity, I knew I wouldn't lose any weigh the first week so I patiently waited. Then the second week came and I still hadn't lost a pound. So I stopped exercising AGAIN and got down to 175 as of last week. Am I missing something? I'm a female 5'5 - 5'6 can't remember, 175 as of today and I eat 1200-1400 calories depends if I'm hungry or not. I'm really sedentary and barely do anything.


  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    It's impossible that you don't lose weight when you exercise. Maybe your muscles were retaining a bit of water? Maybe your body was tightening up overall but since it was only two weeks the inches aren't showing yet?

    Weight loss isn't linear :)
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    Are you overestimating the calories burned and eating back to many? Or vice versa not eating enough of them back? That would be my first guess... second guess is water retention in your muscles if your lifting (I think I'm currently going throught that right now :/)

    edit: btw don't stop exercising :) Adjust your diet according to your exercise, have patience, and just definitely keep exercising :)
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Do you have your monthly the first week or so of every month?
  • ctatchuan
    ctatchuan Posts: 50
    To add, have you checked to see if you are losing body fat % or body muscle %, if you are losing weight but what you are losing is muscle its not a good thing as you still won't tone up

    Depending on your goals you may not even be eating enough to aid weight loss, putting yourself into starvation mode will only make your body want to hold on to the fat more...

    Regular exercise and small regular portions of food
  • sigvoxbrit
    Muscle weighs more than fat! Keep exercising and you may not see weight loss on the scales but you will in the fit of your clothes. Also the more muscle you have the more calories you burn, so it makes sense to keep increasing the ratio of muscle in your body. :flowerforyou: