New Mommy of a 4 month old!

Hey everyone!

I'm looking for other new Mommies to join me on my weight-loss journey! I lost a total of 45lbs and was running a 5k (Thank you MFP AND C25K) that was until I got pregnant. My lifestyle change is why I have a baby now. She is a miracle!

I'm struggling a bit now with my new life. I'm back to eating unhealthy, not exercising, and feeling like my entire existence is my new baby! I love her to pieces, but I need to be better for her, and me.

I'm hoping I can maybe help some Mommies feeling like I do, and you might possibly be able to help me. ;)

Friend me if you'd like!


  • bluejennn
    bluejennn Posts: 25 Member
    Kudos to you. My kids are 20 months and 4 years old and I'm just now feeling motivated! Having time to exercise when having a new baby will def be a challenge but if you have a good support system, there is no reason you can't do it!
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 491 Member
    Hello! I have two kids, one is almost one and the other is 2.5. After the birth of my son, I had gained 30 pounds in only a few months! I decided that I want to be able to play with them and be healthy! I'm almost at the weight that I was after having him (like a few days after lol, before my body went back to normal and the eating made me gain) and I am proud of that!
  • Hchipmanj
    Hchipmanj Posts: 30 Member
    I'm right there with you, my son is 8 months and I feel like I'm a different person, I often get depressed because of how I look. I'm 5"8 230lbs and want to be 170 or less 170 for now that's 50lbs and I'm okay with that but I have no motivation and I'm so tired all the time. I have know friends and I'm in Texas so the heat is hard I want to walk to the park but hubby thinks it's bad for the baby so idk what to do :(
  • sariana
    sariana Posts: 11 Member
    I have a 9month old and i know how you feel , prior to having my baby i was very active and wouldn't miss a day at the gym, ever since i had my son my life changed. I still eat healthy but is a struggle for me to loose weight and it has always been that way thats why ive always been so active. Im a working mother as well and i only get so much time with my little man wich means that i don't want to go to the gym to compromise more of my baby's time. It will take you time to figure out a good time to do your workout, the first few months of a baby are hard and more if you're breastfeeding. I say start with getting back to eating healthy for 2weeks and then when the baby is sleeping after the 2weeks sneak in a workout, and keep on adding every week something new until you have a routine and feel good about it. Thats what ive been doing and its working. Good luck with everything! !
  • healthychops_gets_fit
    healthychops_gets_fit Posts: 35 Member
    New mummy here and struggling too - Add me if you like xxx
  • AJoSheppard31
    AJoSheppard31 Posts: 2 Member
    Wow! I am SO happy I found you ladies! I knew I wasn't alone in how I was feeling, but It sure feels like it at times. I hope we can all help each other out, and get back on track. Baby steps! That's what I keep telling myself. Lol. I've been tracking my food, and doing pretty well so far. The exercise is.. well... going as good as can be expected right now. It's hard to be me right now when I'm Mommy, wife, housekeeper, and cook! I love meeting new Mommies! What an exciting time for us! ;)