Taking my health seriously at 43. Looking for friends!

Hi everyone! My name is Amy and I've been counting calories since July 1st. I have been obese for a while but never took my health seriously and even brushed off my borderline high blood pressure and high cholesterol as "no big deal".

I can be childishly impatient so undertaking total lifestyle changes to better my health is very daunting. But as I age, time seems to fly by faster than ever. So I told myself to just try counting calories for one month. Just one month. July will be over in the blink of an eye, surely I can do this. Well the month is almost over and I'm still here. Telling myself to give August a go. :)

I'd love to have more MFP friends. I feel really motivated seeing the successes of everyone on my list and hope my own modest progress can be the same for others.


  • Parkercomom
    Parkercomom Posts: 67 Member
    Feel free to add me. I started in March with a little over 100 pounds to lose. I have lost 41 so far. : )