Exercse ideas for injury

Hi everyone,
I'm new to myfitnesspal and am keen to lose the baby weight and a little more! My greatest hindrance to the weight loss is that I basically can't exercise as I have tendonopathy in my right buttock and bursitis in my right hip, so my favourite activity of running is out of the question. My physiotherapist/physical therapist has informed me that walking is not even an option at the moment as any weight bearing exercise is going to prevent me from healing. He has told me that that this issue will take at least 6 months to heal and that I need to go slow. The only thing he has suggested has been to go swimming, just not breastroke as the leg movements in this stroke would place too much pressure on the hip and buttock,

Does anyone have any suggestions as to other exercises I could do to burn the extra calories to assist with my weight loss goals??


  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    I would take your therapist's advice and join a gym with a pool (if there is one around you). It is the best non-impact exercise for healing.