Is anyone doing Carb Nite Solution?



  • Kallenp
    Kallenp Posts: 1 Member
    Moody70, how did the CBL program work for you back then? And, why did you switch to a modified version?

    I did CBL for a short while and found it was a great way to MAINTAIN my weight while building muscle AND enjoying my favorite foods 2 or 3 times a week. But, for me, I didn't lose any weight. I may have been doing it wrong, though.

    I think CNS (while requiring more diet discipline) is better for weight/fat loss.
  • batguy21784
    batguy21784 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, I started CarbNite a few weeks back. Week one was great. I lost 12lbs after 9 days. But then, I did the carb nite and had a heck of a time getting back on track. I'm starting the 9 day period again, and the weight is really struggling to get off.

    Anyone know if there's a forum for CarbNite? Or can we start one here? I'd love to share dos and donts and try to figure this out. Thanks.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    the first three chapters where all about why other diets don't work.

    I think the first three chapters of every diet book about why the other diets don't work.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    the first three chapters where all about why other diets don't work.

    I think the first three chapters of every diet book about why the other diets don't work.

    ^^So true!^^

    Not a lifestyle change (for me) .... not interested.
  • Aldennmom
    Aldennmom Posts: 10 Member
    I started Carb nite on Monday. This will be my second round. First 8weeks I lost 20lbs. Weighing in tomorrow. I'm saving carb nite for Thanksgiving. Can't wait. Try to keep your protein and fat equal and eat less than 30carbs a day. Easiest plan ever, and you never deprive yourself as everything you crave you can have once a week. I was looking for a forum where others were doing it too so we could share ideas and success...after you have completed the plan fat cells should be destroyed and makes it almost impossible to gain fat. I never feel hungry . I look forward to others posting more!!
  • I started Carb Nite 9 days ago. But got off track on Saturday night at a Christmas party. So tomorrow should be my first carb nite, but I had to start over on Monday and Christmas night will be my first carb night. I've been on a plateau and was already doing a low carb Paleo regime. I haven't lost any weight yet. I'm staying less than 30g of carbs a day. Getting a bit discouraged. Any help? Wish there was a forum for this regime on Carb Nite's website.
  • Ellastrong
    Ellastrong Posts: 64 Member
  • Discouraged Again -

    Been doing Carb Nite for a week so far - so still in LC phase. Got on scale - haven't lost an ounce! UGGGH. This is when I get frustrated and give up. But I am going to walk in faith and not sight and stay the course. My carb load day is Sunday which is also our Superbowl day - good timing!

    Anyone else have this experience? Will the scale drop eventually?
  • What book are you talking about?

    Sorry I think I replied to the wrong post I'm going to try again. But if you know what book they are talking about that would be good too.. LOL !!
  • I have just started carb night too, I had my first carb night the night before last and I am up four pounds. It is a leap of faith but I will try it for a few more weeks and keep good records.