curve the hunger

Future_MrsNewton Posts: 9 Member
Any input would be great. I'm looking for some food ideas that help keep you full longer. It could be breakfast, lunch, dinner or even a snack.


  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Protein always helps keep you full longer (meat and fish if you eat any, eggs, yoghurt, cheese, but also beans, etc.). I like a smoothie (green for instance) for breakfast because it keeps me full longer but I think that's a personal choice. Keeping hydrated (water, tea) helps you curve the hunger too. I might get boo-ed for this :) but I also think coffee can help keep hunger at bay. Also, in order not to binge, I need to have a real meal at lunch when I am at work otherwise I end up eating cr*p during the afternoon... When I say real meal, I mean something other than a salad and a meal never under 550-600 cals for instance but that might be personal too :)
  • RadioGirl3498
    RadioGirl3498 Posts: 1 Member
    For me, psyllium fiber capsules before each meal have been the key. They help you feel full with eating a little less and they slow down your digestion so you remain feeling full for hours longer. I used to have terrible hunger pangs between meals but now they are almost gone. Studies show that psyllium fiber can also help reduce cholesterol which is another bonus. I buy the Kirkland brand fiber capsules at Costco but any brand will work. They are a bit of a pain to take as they are large but they are so worth it!