Mfp pals

Hey everyone

I have had an mfp profile for awhile but haven't really used it. Im 33 yrs old, 150+ lbs overweight and at a breaking point. I've been living in denial about my weight until recent health problems have forced me to face what I've done to myself.

I have a long journey ahead to lose the weight. I know I'll slip up. I know I'll make mistakes. But I also know eventually I'll succeed.

I'd love to have some friends to help motivate me along the way. Share your advice. Your stories. Some laughs and hopefully make this difficult task a bit more fun!


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can do this. MFP helped me lose over 110 lbs. You can add me and I'll cheer you on.