try this with raw vegatables, tell wht you think or combos you tried

conniehgtv Posts: 309 Member
I accidently thru some cut radishes in a bowl with fresh squeezed lime juice. OMG!! It was so good I am now experimenting with celery, cukes etc. most have been great. Brocolii better to steam after marinating. I have also tried cukes with pressed ginger...


  • OldHobo
    OldHobo Posts: 647 Member
    edited July 2015
    I think you discovered pickling.

    Vinegar is the most common liquid to use but it's the acidity that does the work. There are lots or articles on the web about substituting pickling liquids.
    conniehgtv wrote: »
    ... Brocolii better to steam after marinating....
    Another traditional way of softening up the veggies a little is to drop them into boiling vinegar. Can't say I've tried that with citrus juice though.

    A common condiment on Mexican tables is your original discovery, radishes, thinly sliced and maybe combined with carrots, onions, and or jalapenos.

    You could also try shrimp and discover ceveche