Anyone else with a 20lbs weight loss goal?

Hi! I just joined and am looking for friends with similar stats or goals as me. I'm going to a lofty goal of 20lbs which may turn into 15 when I get there... Anyone? :)

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  • DaPTA
    DaPTA Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning! I have even more to lose......have lost 20 so stuck on my way to losing 45 more...made some tweaks to my food choices that I think are gonna help! DaPTA
  • LunaInverse
    LunaInverse Posts: 109 Member
    Howdy! I'm looking to lose atleast 20 (preferrably more), but I'm more concerned about visual results than what the scale says.
  • lululapagaille
    lululapagaille Posts: 84 Member
    Hi ! I sarted 50 days ago with around 15 pounds to lose (not sure, I'm from France and we use kilos. 7 kilos to lose)
    I lost 4 kilos so far.
    Also I have a pet rabbit ! Is it your pet on your photo ? ^^