Reccomended amount of treats a day?

Izzyxo3 Posts: 29 Member
Hi there, I'm curious to know how many treats you allow yourself a day? Also do you work them off? I personally know for sure I eat to many with my sweet tooth for crisps and chocolate.


  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I concentrate on eating enough whole foods to keep me feeling full throughout the day and allow me to meet my basic nutrition goals (I try to eat at least 3-5 servings of veggies and 1 serving of fruit plus hit my protein minimums). Beyond that, I'll fill in with treats. It's largely going to be personal with what keeps you satiated, makes you happy, allows you to stay within your calorie goals, and allows you to have enough energy throughout the day.
  • Izzyxo3
    Izzyxo3 Posts: 29 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    I concentrate on eating enough whole foods to keep me feeling full throughout the day and allow me to meet my basic nutrition goals (I try to eat at least 3-5 servings of veggies and 1 serving of fruit plus hit my protein minimums). Beyond that, I'll fill in with treats. It's largely going to be personal with what keeps you satiated, makes you happy, allows you to stay within your calorie goals, and allows you to have enough energy throughout the day.

    Wow sounds like you eat better than me. I think I may be making my three main meals much too small and filling in the gaps with junk. I mainly eat fruit and veg for my meals although I do love a bit of pasta! I will try to keep my portions a size that will satisfy my hunger x Thanks for the feedback
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    edited July 2015
    The recommended amount is as little as you need to be happy. Only you can answer that question.

    Most days for me that's none -- if I don't eat it I don't want it. But on holidays and special occasions where food is a part of the celebration I would not be happy to abstain so I eat considerably more.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I typically have 2 treats. I'm trying to meet protein, fat, and fiber goals. Too many treats get in the way of this. I do eat exercise calories back to maintain my "original" deficit. So in a sense I do exercise for treats.

    Limiting the number of treats makes me pick and choose. What is the thing I'm craving? Not a cookie here, a few Hershey Kisses there....whenever thing. That mindless treat thing got me here....that has to change FOREVER.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Izzyxo3 wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    I concentrate on eating enough whole foods to keep me feeling full throughout the day and allow me to meet my basic nutrition goals (I try to eat at least 3-5 servings of veggies and 1 serving of fruit plus hit my protein minimums). Beyond that, I'll fill in with treats. It's largely going to be personal with what keeps you satiated, makes you happy, allows you to stay within your calorie goals, and allows you to have enough energy throughout the day.

    Wow sounds like you eat better than me. I think I may be making my three main meals much too small and filling in the gaps with junk. I mainly eat fruit and veg for my meals although I do love a bit of pasta! I will try to keep my portions a size that will satisfy my hunger x Thanks for the feedback

    To be fair, I usually have a single serving of gelato most nights. Or I'll save up calories and have a beer or three. I also save calories every week for Saturdays because I go to a friends house where they have tons of chips (crisps), cookies, etc. I eat my fair share, but I don't want my snacks to limit how I feel either. That's the theory, sometimes Saturday nights/Sunday mornings don't go so well... I'm a work in progress ;)
  • tekkiechikk
    tekkiechikk Posts: 375 Member
    I always save calories for something salty in the evening... Doritos or my new favorite, Kellogg's Salt & Vinegar Cracker Chips. But I track the calories, even if I go over. Serves me right when I see those numbers telling me that my Calories In were more than my Calories Out for the day.

    Snacking without being accountable is what got me into this mess.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Define 'treat'. All my foods today were treats, lol.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    In order to answer the question, you should first define what you consider "treats". It could be anything from dog biscuits to a giant hunk of cake.

    I do not limit treats, I eat a balanced diet and stay within my calorie goal.
  • Izzyxo3
    Izzyxo3 Posts: 29 Member

    Wow sounds like you eat better than me. I think I may be making my three main meals much too small and filling in the gaps with junk. I mainly eat fruit and veg for my meals although I do love a bit of pasta! I will try to keep my portions a size that will satisfy my hunger x Thanks for the feedback [/quote]

    To be fair, I usually have a single serving of gelato most nights. Or I'll save up calories and have a beer or three. I also save calories every week for Saturdays because I go to a friends house where they have tons of chips (crisps), cookies, etc. I eat my fair share, but I don't want my snacks to limit how I feel either. That's the theory, sometimes Saturday nights/Sunday mornings don't go so well... I'm a work in progress ;)[/quote]

    Well to be fair at least you save up. I do but not nearly enough
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I don't quantify it. If I want cake and have the calories for it I eat it. Sometimes it fits my macros and sometimes it doesn't.
  • lrachel011
    lrachel011 Posts: 34 Member
    I don't count my treats as treats because I just add it to my calorie intake, if I eat a 100 cal chocolate bar, I'll just eat 100 less calories later on in the day.
  • Izzyxo3
    Izzyxo3 Posts: 29 Member
    lrachel011 wrote: »
    I don't count my treats as treats because I just add it to my calorie intake, if I eat a 100 cal chocolate bar, I'll just eat 100 less calories later on in the day.
    Oh ok, I guess that's probably the best way x I'll definitely start doing that! Thanks
  • Izzyxo3
    Izzyxo3 Posts: 29 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I don't quantify it. If I want cake and have the calories for it I eat it. Sometimes it fits my macros and sometimes it doesn't.
    I guess most do however sometimes I really do misjudge just how many calories things have x I will make sure to keep it low calorie to make sure I have no more calories than my goal x Thank you!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    The recommended amount is as little as you need to be happy. Only you can answer that question.

    I agree with this. For me, it varies. I may have zero treats, I may have 2-3.
  • Izzyxo3
    Izzyxo3 Posts: 29 Member
    In order to answer the question, you should first define what you consider "treats". It could be anything from dog biscuits to a giant hunk of cake.

    I do not limit treats, I eat a balanced diet and stay within my calorie goal.

    Sorry, to be more specific I mean high in fat and sugary foods like cake, chocolate, sweets etc. No matter what quantity :smile:
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Izzyxo3 wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I don't quantify it. If I want cake and have the calories for it I eat it. Sometimes it fits my macros and sometimes it doesn't.
    I guess most do however sometimes I really do misjudge just how many calories things have x I will make sure to keep it low calorie to make sure I have no more calories than my goal x Thank you!

    I tend to plan my day ahead and leave 20% of my calories for unexpected things.
  • Izzyxo3
    Izzyxo3 Posts: 29 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Define 'treat'. All my foods today were treats, lol.

    Ha I can second that
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Izzyxo3 wrote: »
    Hi there, I'm curious to know how many treats you allow yourself a day? Also do you work them off? I personally know for sure I eat to many with my sweet tooth for crisps and chocolate.

    How do you define a treat?

    I guess I'd define it as a food where the calorie count is substantially greater than the nutrient benefits, at least compared to other alternatives. Using that definition, I'd include something like cheese in that, as well as higher calorie/fat meats (liked pulled pork), at least in part.

    It's impossible to count up a specific number, though, especially since it makes a huge difference how much you eat. A lunch place near me sells squares of different sorts of high quality chocolates. Eating one of them for, say, 80 calories shouldn't count the same as eating a 600 calorie piece of cake.

    Anyway, I find it impossible to quantify--instead I think of it as eating mostly nutrient dense foods and satisfying my nutrition goals (but always in a tasty way!) and then incorporating some extras for just taste (for example, some butter on fish, some cheese in my omelet), as well as some kind of extra--maybe a Quest bar as a post workout snack and/or dessert (usually about 200 calories of ice cream or sometimes cheese post dinner).

    How much I can fit it depends on my overall calories. I fit in less when I was doing 1250 calories as now, when I've been doing 1700 or so. I fit in more when doing maintenance and on a biking trip!

    I don't specifically "work off" the treats I eat--I really don't think that's a healthy way to approach workouts or food, for that matter. I do factor my activity level and workouts into my calorie goal.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited July 2015
    The recommended amount is as little as you need to be happy. Only you can answer that question.

    I agree with this. For me, it varies. I may have zero treats, I may have 2-3.

    I get the sense that you define "treats" differently than I do.

    To me a ribeye could easily be a treat or roasted chicken with the skin on. Or, as mentioned above, cheese or brown butter with my skate or some pasta.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    edited July 2015
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    The recommended amount is as little as you need to be happy. Only you can answer that question.

    I agree with this. For me, it varies. I may have zero treats, I may have 2-3.

    I get the sense that you define "treats" differently than I do.

    To me a ribeye could easily be a treat or roasted chicken with the skin on. Or, as mentioned above, cheese or brown butter with my skate or some pasta.

    I definte treats as anything outside my normal diet. Something eaten not for it's nutritional value, but strictly for taste. It may be cake, nuts, pasta, chips and dip, shrimp cocktail, pizza, or anything else I like. It's more about the reason for eating than the food type.

    Though the OP clarified her meaning as high fat sweets, my answer would be the same. I eat them when I need them to be happy.