What are your quirks?



  • jersey_54
    jersey_54 Posts: 278 Member
    jersey_54 wrote: »
    ^ or stealing gregg plitt pics lol. Dude he was a legendary fitness model who is in heaven right now. Atleast dont catfish him[/]

    Lol is it a younger version of him?

    ha. 35, I dont think. I think its older version of another sobby guy sitting on couch acting like gregg plitt lol
  • asianfashionista86
    asianfashionista86 Posts: 5,039 Member
    jersey_54 wrote: »
    jersey_54 wrote: »
    ^ or stealing gregg plitt pics lol. Dude he was a legendary fitness model who is in heaven right now. Atleast dont catfish him[/]

    Lol is it a younger version of him?

    ha. 35, I dont think. I think its older version of another sobby guy sitting on couch acting like gregg plitt lol

    Awwww well if it means anything would have smashed
  • GreenGoddess22
    GreenGoddess22 Posts: 3,818 Member
    I have a serious lip gloss addiction. My co workers keep a tally of how many times I apply it throughout the day.

    I have a particular way I like to clean. I've been known to rearrange the loaded dishwasher to my cleaning standards. My house is nearly spotless.
  • Love2Rappel
    Love2Rappel Posts: 449 Member
    I would need to join the lady above, cleanliness...
    I am also quirky about te way I eat, it's one item at a time till it's down the hatch!
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    When I eat chicken wings, the bones have to be neatly stacked. Like a cord of wood
    I twirl my hair
    If I don't work out every morning, my whole day is messed up. (I hate rest days)
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    I have a lot of food quirks and am a really picky eater as a results. The one that gets me a "what the h*** is wrong with you?" the most often is that I like fruit and I like baked goods, but I will not eat them mixed. That means no to pie, filled doughnuts, blueberry pancakes, cakes with strawberry jelly stuff in between the layers, etc.

    I also have my closet arranged by the rainbow, but I am not an organized/clean person, it's only my closet and computer files. My desk at work and office/room at home... okay let's be honest, it's the whole house... are filled with miscellaneous piles of stuff.

    No one is allowed to touch/use my pillows or blankets except Mr. Pineapple and they are never to touch the floor. I have designated pillows and blankets for guests.

    I'm constantly fidgeting. If I'm standing, I sway back and forth. If I'm sitting, I'm swinging my feet or bouncing my knee.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    tat2cookie wrote: »
    I can't handle it when anyone makes me a plate of food. You don't know how much I want, or where I want it on my plate!!! You don't know me!!! You don't know my life!!!

    Must be hard to go to a restaurant?
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I have a really hard time going down escalators. Going up isn't as big of a deal.

    I sleep with a blankie (I love the warmth and cuddling with it)

    I tear off and throw away the end of the hanging toilet paper in a public restroom because I know the last person touched that part.

    I have a thing for ear lobes. I love touching other peoples ear lobes and often when bored I will play with my own between my fingers. Really tiny or weird ear lobes gross me out a little bit.