Surprising yourself

bornofthorns Posts: 143 Member
I am not sure if during your weight loss journeys you have ever done something that surprised yourself (shocked to fit in old clothes, turned down a fave dessert, etc). Anyhow, I just had a really weird one today. I was going through my profile on MMR, and came across the goals I set on there. It read as follows:

Small goals
-Fit into suit
-Get down to at least a 40
-Tworiffic territory
-jog a 1/2 mile

Big Goals:
-265 lbs
-jog a mile

The cool thing is this: the suit I was referring to is just about too big for me now, and I came across an older suit that was smaller and it just about fits now. Also, I am solidly in two-riffic territory, and I just jogged 2 miles straight this week. This was pretty awesome, and I hope you guys have lil awesome moments like these, as well!


  • dazydawn
    dazydawn Posts: 55 Member
    Yay! This is awesome. I remember the first time I ran a mile. I was surprised I could do it and it wasn't super hard. I had been on the elliptical and didn't realize I'd been running. One day the elli's were full, so I went onto the treadmill. I usually avoided them because my knees hurt. I started at the rate I used to work on the treadmill and I kept feeling it was too slow. I kept bumping it up and started running. It was crazy!

    I am no longer there physically, but I am hoping to get back to that place.

    So, good on you! Two NSV's at once. Fab.
  • sq22
    sq22 Posts: 8 Member
    Congratulations on your success.

    I'm surprised at how quickly a shirt collar becomes too large. Just a slight fluctuation in weight can cause problems.
  • JumpingDog
    JumpingDog Posts: 125 Member
    Congrats on the jogging. I am pretty much ready to quit after jogging slightly faster than a slow walk about halfway across my yard, but I'm pretty much at my goal weight. I have just never been much of a runner or jogger; I sort of envy those that can just keep going.

    I too had some skinny jean goals, but ended up never being able to wear them because they are too big now.

    I think I shock myself with how many flights of stairs I can walk up without feeling winded now. I never had a goal for it though. : )
  • bornofthorns
    bornofthorns Posts: 143 Member
    lol...I tell people all the time that I do not like running. I feel accomplished and it gives me structure. However, while I do like the results, I don't like the process :)
  • naturallyme36
    naturallyme36 Posts: 155 Member
    Way to GO!!!! I shocked myself on being able to admit that I had a pretty BAD relationship with food.
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