Share Progress/Encouragement/Motivation

Every now and then it helps to hear others' successes. It may provide a point of reference or motivation for others gaining weight and/or making healthier lifestyle choices. Please feel free to share any successes here.


  • zz0413
    zz0413 Posts: 12 Member
    April 25 - July 28:
    With the help of this app/community, gained 12.2 pounds (145 to 157) while keeping body fat down around 15%.

    Mellow and motivational (at the same time) workout video:

    Good luck all!
  • jdscrubs32
    jdscrubs32 Posts: 515 Member
    zz0413 wrote: »
    April 25 - July 28:
    With the help of this app/community, gained 12.2 pounds (145 to 157) while keeping body fat down around 15%.

    Mellow and motivational (at the same time) workout video:

    Good luck all!

    Congrats. My own story is the following;
    With the help of this app and a great PT, have gone from 55kg/121lbs to currently 67.5kg/148lbs with most of that coming since last November when I started on a daily calorie amount 4,000. Have another 2.5kg/5.5lbs to go until I hit the goal weight and then I switch to maintenance. Body fat was 5% when I started. Its now between 13-15%. The weight and body fat were low cos I lost a lot weight years ago and never really gained it back even though I had been going to the gym for years but I really didn't know what I was doing. Running didn't help either. Started with a PT last year who banished the fear that I would get fat again if I ate more. Coupled with working out under his guidance and increasing my calories to 4,000 so I could gain anything due to my high metabolism, my weight has been increasing ever since. Cardio as in running had to be cut back to one short 30 minute run a week. So happy out with the progress.
  • zz0413
    zz0413 Posts: 12 Member
    So cool. People don't get how tough it is to transform. Takes discipline!
  • jdscrubs32
    jdscrubs32 Posts: 515 Member
    zz0413 wrote: »
    So cool. People don't get how tough it is to transform. Takes discipline!

    It does indeed. Lucky I'm a patient guy. Once I'll hit the goal weight, I'm switching to maintenance. What is your plan @zz0413 ?
  • zz0413
    zz0413 Posts: 12 Member
    @jdscrubs32 my plan is to eat. But really I've been taking time to get enough calories, most of them healthy, on a daily basis. I workout 4 times most weeks alternating between high weight and low volume (2 weeks), and then low weight high volume (2 weeks). Then I repeat. My first goal was to reach 160 and I'm nearly there. Then, not sure. Here is a link I've been using