I need friends!!

Hi everyone!
I have returned to fitness pal after a long absence. My weight has yo-yo'd like crazy over the last couple of years and I really want to get it under control! Im also a new and first time mum, my daughter is just a month old, my baby weight is gone so now I want to shift my actual weight!! I would love some more friends who are out to not take themselves too seriously and are happy ti have fun in the process of loosing a few pounds. ... who's with me? !


  • 2selina
    2selina Posts: 25 Member
    Me! I've lost then gained back about 40lb over the last 2.5 yrs. I've learnt the important lesson that I can't (and I know some people can), live without carbs in the long term. Now wanting to be sensible, get healthy and have fun. New friends very much welcomed!