Skinny fat guy help

Ok I am 35 years old 6ft3 and 194lbs. I am a skinny fat guy. Tall and lanky but i have a hanging gut and very little muscle definition. Back when i was younger i was about 240lbs and 3 inches shorter. I went on a diet..grew and have been under 200lbs since.

A few problems I have. I have had 2 knee surgeries. I use to run 3 miles a day. I really cant do that anymore. I used to lift weights. I would hit up the gym 3 or 4 days a week. 

I did hurt my neck in a car accident years ago and it limits my workout with weights to pretty much zero.
As a matter of fact i tried lifting yesterday for the first time in awhile. Very light bench ..tops i did was 135lbs. I could have done more but did not want to strain my neck and upperback. I did some dumbbell presses, flys..and did some bicep curls.

It was a light workout . Light weight.

As usual my neck and back are extremely tight the day after. It is a dull ache and i will go to the chiropractor. After some massage and a back crack it will get better in a few days. So you see my problem.

This extremely limits me with working out.

One thing i do is cko kickboxing...i try to go 3 or 4 times a week. Sometimes i go less but i average 3 days. Its a great workout for me. I get my cardio in. Hit the bag. I get sore but i am never in pain like i am after weights or a long run.

I know my limitations. I know i will never get huge and i am ok with that. I do believe with the right diet i can get a swimmers/runners build. Thats what I am looking for. I need to do something.

My diet isnt the best but it isnt the worst. 

Typical breakfast is oatmeal ,nuts an apple and yogurt.

Lunch is lean meat usually, chicken pork or beef and vegetables and a grain. I eat small meals.

Dinner at times can just be a salad and i pick. Low fat pretzels with peanut butter. 

I snack during the day. A bag of pretzels or something low fat.

I have a protein shake after i workout.

What im doing isn't working. Im still skinny fat, yes i stay below 200..but I need some help and insight. Im new here and i uploaded some pics to my profile so you can see. 

Again i would be extremely happy with losing my gut and getting a swimmers build...i have the body type for it, just not the body.


  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Are you able to swim on a normal basis? This would get you the swimmers' build. :smiley: If not, body weight is ok for now since you can't go heavy. Lots of push up variations and pull up variations to help you get some of the swimmer muscles. Since you have knee problems, squats without proper form would be killer. Can you do proper ones? Then you can do squats. Planks and core exercises are a must (even if it is just body weight). Without compound movements, you're going to have to do some major core exercises. You can't spot reduce, but perhaps it will help you with balancing out your pains and help the rest of your workouts.