How do you keep up with a healthy lifestyle on vacation? Help!

Hey guys,

I've been gradually readjusting my lifestyle for the better. I'm trying to lose the weight I gained on medication and it's pretty stubborn. It's going slowly, but it's going.

I'm planning on visiting my family this weekend where there will be lots of food to overeat and alcohol to drink. I know I'll probably overindulge a little (it is a holiday after all!), but I want to keep it to a minimum. How do you guys maintain the lifestyle while on vacation? I've thought about pre-packing some healthier snacks. Any suggestions? Thanks!


  • vadersaysno
    vadersaysno Posts: 1,965 Member
    I've ended up overindulging on vacation....but when I've gone to parties and cookouts, I've just had to restrain myself and show willpower. That's really been it for me.