Any paleo dieters?

nanniek1 Posts: 10 Member
Looking for a support group for paleo dieters....what do you eat for breakfast, carb-cravings, ideas?


  • sadiebrawl
    sadiebrawl Posts: 863 Member
    Hi nannie. I don't do strict paleo, but I probably eat like that 85% of the time.
    My go to breakfasts are:
    On the go - fruit, larabars (certain ones), smoothies, chia pudding
    At home - Eggs cooked many ways, organic bacon

    I'm boring for lunch. I eat salad every day. I have lettuce, cuc and tom as my base, but add variety on top. I always have a protein added (tuna, chicken, salmon, steak, eggs...), sometimes I add dried fruit (no sugar added), and nuts to add crunch. Also make your own dressings, makes it taste better.

    Carb cravings, you work for it. I've made paleo bread, cookies, biscuits, but it takes time, so you have to really want it :)
  • nanniek1
    nanniek1 Posts: 10 Member
    I made paleo muffins, but, dang it I felt guilty eating them. Calories, you know. And, I wanted to slather them with butter. Had to give them to my gluten-free neighbors. Except for my 3xweekly wine, we try to stay Paleo. Just today I bought milk and greek yogurt though. We were concerned about our calcium intake. Do you have any good Paleo salad dressing recipes? And, I'm dying for a really good paleo tortilla recipe? The ones I made turned out tasting like crepes. Thanks for the input.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm going more paleo gradually. Right now I'm working on finding recipes I like. I'm trying pad thai on grated zucchini next.

    I don't plan to give up Greek yogurt for breakfast.

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Doesn't sound like paleo is your thing. Why do you need all those restrictions, and exactly those restrictions? They are pretty random, you know, and not necessary for weight loss.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I don't think paleotlithic people ate breakfast in the traditional sense. I would suggest finding a sampling of local roots, plants, grubs, and raw meat….
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    edited July 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I don't think paleotlithic people ate breakfast in the traditional sense. I would suggest finding a sampling of local roots, plants, grubs, and raw meat….

    Why does it matter?

    OP, it might benefit you to join the Paleo/Primal group.

    If you are struggling though to figure out what to eat, and you have having a lot of cravings, it might benefit you to move to a less restrictive diet or a non restrictive diet. This is what I had to do. I discovered all the restriction was causing me to binge a lot, which inevitably prevented me from losing weight. I found that when I don't restrict foods, but aim for foods that are nutrient dense, I was able to stick within my calorie range (when I wanted to). I still get 80-90% of my foods from whole sources (fruits, veggies, whole grains, meats, fish, dairy) and a little from things I love, like my nightly klondike bar!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I did paleo for a while since I didn't care much about grains and figured I wouldn't miss legumes. (I was surprised at home much I missed dairy, though.) It can be a pleasant way to eat, and there are lots of good recipes on the internet. It's also an easy way to cut calories, as for many people just cutting out breads, pasta, rice, sweet baked goods, etc. results in a significant cut in calories, and while (IME) you end up replacing them eventually it takes a while. It also should mean that you focus more on meats and vegetables as the basis for meals.

    If I were uncomfortable with these changes and thinking from the beginning in terms of substituting "paleo" versions of baked goods or breads or the like, I wouldn't think the diet was right for me. There are lots of other ways to lose weight, and there's nothing really healthier about a "paleo" tortilla vs. a regular one.

    I eventually decided there was no reason for me to do paleo, as I realized I really don't think whole grains are unhealthy (or feel worse eating them), and I think legumes and dairy are foods that are good for me. However, I think for the right person it can be an enjoyable way to eat. If you are committed to doing it, though, I'd not try to substitute everything, but really focus on increasing your consumption of the foods that are promoted.