Girls Only! Around 5' 5, Needing to Lose 30-70 lbs. We motivate each other!!!



  • angelqb94
    angelqb94 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi im trying to lose weight i weigh 194. Im 5'2 Im not happy with my weight but i dont have any motivation to work out. I have an elliptical but i barely use it i need a motivational work out partner.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    edited July 2015
    Anyone can do it. Don't let the words "I can't" ever seep in!

    5 foot tall, 85 pounds lost.

  • jenniecampbell1
    jenniecampbell1 Posts: 15 Member
    angelqb94 wrote: »
    Hi im trying to lose weight i weigh 194. Im 5'2 Im not happy with my weight but i dont have any motivation to work out. I have an elliptical but i barely use it i need a motivational work out partner.
    Starting out is the hardest! once you get used to it and start seeing results, its easier to be motivated. you can always add me if you want! :)
  • nicjbar73
    nicjbar73 Posts: 47 Member
    what about making the cheesecake then slicing & freezing individually? that way u only take out 1 (hopefully).i love a frozen custard but i buy 1med on friday & eat on for 3days that way calories arent shot @ once & it takes the craving away;)
  • neaka3
    neaka3 Posts: 3 Member
    5'4 ish 214 pounds and miserable. you ladies are already motivating add me i'm so in
  • nicjbar73
    nicjbar73 Posts: 47 Member
    i started this path because for 42 my knees sounded horrible, was so embarrassed. within 3days went from popping 75 xday to 10. in 3weeks bs levels back within normal range by 4 1/2 weeks bp normal. the weightlose has been a bonus.1200-1400 day 1400 maintain. when i started could only do 1mile of walking.
  • ericaringalls
    ericaringalls Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'1 and 199 lbs (I cringe just typing that), the heaviest I have ever been. My family & friends are all big eaters and drinkers so hard to lean on them for motivation. Just starting MyFitnessPal so would love to join the group to help with motivation.
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm 5'5". Went from 185 in 2005 to 154 in 2009. Maintained for almost 2 years, and then developed hypothyroidism and ballooned to 202 in 6 months. Got on thyroid meds and started SLOWLY losing weight in 2012 once my meds were at the correct level, and am now between 144-147, depending on the day. Current goal weight is somewhere between 130-140, but I'm mostly concerned with my fitness level and biking/running speed vs the number on the scale....although by calculations, my "racing weight" for optimal triathlon performance should be between 120-125, and I *do* have the extra body fat to lose to get me we'll see.
  • ArtsyLinZi
    ArtsyLinZi Posts: 23 Member
    Anyone can do it. Don't let the words "I can't" ever seep in!

    5 foot tall, 85 pounds lost.


    Wow!!! You're amazing! I'm feeling fired up already!!
  • chocofiend0
    chocofiend0 Posts: 3 Member
    5'4" and 83 Kg. I need to lose about 60 pounds to be normal. Since I was 16, I've always fluctuated between 125 and 145, but last year I just kept gaining. I want to be fitter again so I can go running and have lots of energy.
  • emmoen
    emmoen Posts: 218 Member
    I'm 5'5" and believe my current weight is around 163lbs right now... Just came back from vacation a week ago and my scale is broke so I figured I give it a few weeks before I get a new one and see how I'm doing then... I would like to get down to 135lbs...
  • emmoen
    emmoen Posts: 218 Member
    Anyone can do it. Don't let the words "I can't" ever seep in!

    5 foot tall, 85 pounds lost.


    Amazing! Definitely would not have guessed that age! Congrats
  • sharneymc59
    sharneymc59 Posts: 17 Member
    You look great i.m 56 years old and you,ve gave me hope
  • laurenmichelex
    laurenmichelex Posts: 1 Member
    Hey girls! I would like to join this even though my goal is to only lose around 10-15 pounds. I started out at 144 pounds and just recently hit 126. I would love to get to 116 and having a group of girls aiming for weight-loss as well would help. I recently started going to the gym everyday and have started lifting weights... I would love to compare diets/work together to finally achieve our goals!
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    5'3'' lost 47 pounds and have another 40 to lose to reach my goal weight.
  • ArtsyLinZi
    ArtsyLinZi Posts: 23 Member
    You are all welcome!!! We all need support and although I can't change the title anymore, I'd like you all to know that we are gonna get through this, we'll be healthy and happy and we're gonna look good in bikinis!!!!
  • ArtsyLinZi
    ArtsyLinZi Posts: 23 Member
    We gonna be shmexy!!!
  • pravenel
    pravenel Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'5, started off at 200lbs and I'm now 138 so feel free to add if you need any support & motivation!! :)

    Great job!!
  • ArtsyLinZi
    ArtsyLinZi Posts: 23 Member
    And we'll show off our awesomeness to the ones that bad mouthed us!!!
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    I'm 5'2 and at 169. I started at 176. I'm 35 and a teacher. I mainly exercise with cardio. I'm in week 4 of couch to 5k and use an eliptical in the off days. I've been trying to clean up my eating. It's not perfect, but SO much better than what it was. I would like to get down to 130-135 and aim to lose a 1-2 lbs a week. Feel free to add me, the more the merrier!