Steps calorie adjustment?

is this accurate and do people actually use it? I've just turned it on and by its calculation adding more calories for me to eat.
Wondering if it's accurate to go by and actually eat those exercise calories... Or if it's easier to just turn it off and not mind it?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    It's bringing you up to your TDEE minus the goal you chose to lose per week. Eat them back for a few weeks and see how it goes.
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    edited July 2015
    If I didn't eat my step adjustment calories I'd wither away but I'm pretty active. See how it goes. They really don't add a ton back anyways. I did a 14 mile hike in 3.5 hours and it only added like 300-450 I think back for step adjustment (I lied it was 27,000 steps and 590 calories, I only track by iphone though).
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Have you enabled negative calorie adjustments and set your activity level to sedentary? If you have, then yes.
  • mystgrl1604
    mystgrl1604 Posts: 117 Member
    I've set my level to sedentary and eat my exercise and step calories back. That way, if I haven't done much for the day, I won't be eating much for the day.
  • sunnyazgirl
    sunnyazgirl Posts: 271 Member
    I've set my level to sedentary and eat my exercise and step calories back. That way, if I haven't done much for the day, I won't be eating much for the day.

    I did the same thing. It seems to work for me. Since I work night shift it became very confusing setting my activity levels any higher. The calories were bouncing back and forth like crazy the days/nights I worked. I seldom eat a lot of my exercse calories anyway. I usually don't eat back more than 25% of them and only try to go to 50% if it is a special occassion. If I eat out I try not to eat many back at all to compensate for unintentional logging errors.
  • dietstokes
    dietstokes Posts: 216 Member
    I just set my profile from lightly active to sedentary, and my number of calories jumped up by 100 for my steps. In my mind, I don't feel like I've done much to "earn" those extra calories, as I've just been walking around the building or sitting at my desk. I might set it back to lightly active. Not sure yet.
  • sunnyazgirl
    sunnyazgirl Posts: 271 Member
    dietstokes wrote: »
    I just set my profile from lightly active to sedentary, and my number of calories jumped up by 100 for my steps. In my mind, I don't feel like I've done much to "earn" those extra calories, as I've just been walking around the building or sitting at my desk. I might set it back to lightly active. Not sure yet.

    My extra calories for my steps are also higher on Sedetary, but I just shrug it off. Working nights I will walk 7,000 steps between midnight and 7AM and my extra calories will be ridiculously high. Then I go home, sleep 8 hours and the extra calories have dropped to nothing. I go back to work and they seem to stabilize out, but not until closer to midnight. I have a light lunch around 6 PM and we eat dnner sometime between 10Pm and midnight, so it can be very confusing. I work 3 nights in a row/week, 12 hour shifts. On my days off it seems to be normal. My other option is to turn off the negative calorie adjustments on the days I work. I tend to synch my FitBit before I eat a meal.

    From what I have seen It all does not matter. I have been just trying to eat between 1175 - 1250 calories a day anyway, except for an occasional splurge, which I also log. On Sedetary MFP gives me a 1200 calories base. On Lightly Active I get 1230, so not a huge difference there. It is the exercise calories that are all over the place. Since I am set at Sedetary I am thinking of turning the Negative Adjustments off since my calories are set at a minimum of 1200 anyway.

  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    edited July 2015
    Karmyeboo wrote: »
    Is this accurate and do people actually use it? I've just turned it on and it's adding more calories for me to eat.

    Wondering if it's accurate to go by and actually eat those exercise calories.

    Enable negative calorie adjustments in your diary settings:

    Then eat back your adjustments for two weeks and reevaluate your progress.

    Edited to add that if you're using a Fitbit activity tracker you can learn more in the Fitbit Users group:

    There's a Jawbone UP Bracelet group, too: